
Thursday, December 17, 2015

"Fraudian" Speak!

"Greed IS Good!"
"Greed IS God!"
Greed Gonna Getcha
Compliments The Friendly Lying Fraud!

Self-Preservation is
The Order Of The Day!
Self Before Other
Is What The Fraudster Says!

Me, Myself and I is
The Only Way to Fly!
Think Self - Forget Other!
Believe The Lie, and in Lovely Sin Die!

My Story - My Truth!
I'm Sticking To It - Standing Aloof!
Got A Problem With That?
Don't Matter To Me for
The Lord Of Lies Is My Ultimate Camp Buddy -
Not A Boring Old Christian Fuddy-Duddy!


There Is A Chink In The Armor ...

Ding Dong! - Something Wrong!
Look About - Big-Able Snake Slithering Along!
Wanted to Run - Feet Nailed To The Ground!


A Plaintive Cry Is Heard:

"Lord Jesus, Help Me
Before I'm Swallowed Headlong!"

As Always, Men Brag
Of Their Vaunted Prowess
Until All The Chips Are Laid Down
They Are Facing
King Flawed, The False God!

Stop Acting Like a Chump!
You Can't Win That Game
Until The Lord Jesus Christ
Becomes Your Captain!

"Fraudian" Speak
Bolsters Only The Dishonest Weak!
No Matter How Strong They War
No Matter How Loud Their Clothing Speaks!
Do Not Be Intimidated - They Really Emit Squeaks!
Get Our Your Good Book!
Say Your Prayers to The Heavenly Father
And, Friend, Deny The Call and 
Dump That Crock From The Crook!

Jesus Is The Captain
The Master Of The Meek
The Humble
The Lowly
And, Yes, The Honest Weak!
Self-Sufficient Don't Need Him
For Self-Love Don't Care
For Self Is Its Own God, and
It Has Its Own Lively Cheer!

Self Sits On The Chair
Decorated and Carved
With Fine Writing
Meaning Loud
Best Rest For Its Own Eyes
Capturing Real Lies:

Lovely and Vaingloriously

Soaking up
Lusciously Sinful

BUT ...


Experiencing the Burn of The
Lake of Brimstone and

Drop The Fake Love 
The Real Fraud!

Call Out 
Jesus Christ
Experience The True Love Of God!

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