
Friday, December 18, 2015


If God IS The Lord
Worship Him!

If God IS The Captain
Obey Him!

If God IS The Refuge
Abide in Him!

If God IS The Shepherd
Follow Him Faithfully!

If God IS The Savior
Go To Him -  He Will Save You!

If God IS The Redeemer
Give Thanks To Him!

If God IS Your Friend
Confide In Him!

If God IS Coming Again
Wait and Watch For Him!

If God IS Worthy To Be Praised
Sing Hallelujah To Him!

If God IS Almighty
Tremble At His Majesty

If God IS All Knowing
Defer To Him!

If God IS All-Seeing
Trust His Vision!

If God IS Ever-present
Rest In Him!

If God IS Eternal
Be At Home In Him!

If God IS Your God
And Your God IS Holy
Trust In Him Solely


Live For Him Only!

If God IS Your God
His Holy Spirit IS In You
Making Your Body His Holy Temple
A Place For Worshiping The Sacred
Not Playing With The Thing That Profanes You!

If God IS Your Father
Trust Him And Obey
He Will Guard Guide
Heal Hide and Protect


He Will Never, Ever You Reject!

If God IS Your Creator-God
He Knows Well That You Are Weak!
Don't Try To Schmooze God -
Don't Be Pathetic!
Honor Him!
Be Humble Bold and Meek!

Speak Humbly and With Boldness
Approach God's Throne of Grace
Love and Mercy Are At The Ready
Reach Out And Grasp Them


Let Your Faith Be Rock Steady!


Since God IS Our God


God Can't Never Lie
Trust Him In Life's Battles
He Offers No Pie In The Sky


His Holy Word IS The Transcript
Of His Holy Character Plain!
He Changes The Abominable
By Faith - To Him Your Sin Proclaim!
Jesus Christ's Blood Has Been Shed For You
So That Your Living Shall Not Be In Vain!

Please Do Not Let God's Loving Be In Vain!

God IS Waiting For His Children!

Let's Go Home To Him Today
So That For Personal Sin
We Won't Have To Eternally Pay!

Come From Wherever You Are
From Under A Rock
From Sitting In A Bar
From Rolling in Filth 
From Loafing Around On The Dock -
Walk Through The Door
Now Standing Ajar


We Are Loved!

Come NOW!
Let US 

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