
Friday, December 11, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH! + HEAR YE! HEAR YE: Another Gospel?!?

The Hottest Group In Gospel Town
Prosperity Sin and Security
Their Raps Are Truly Worldly 

Their Rhythms Are Rocking!
Their Dance Moves Are Sweet!
Their Manager Narcissus
Is A Gamester Super Geek!

Their Resource Book is A Hodge Podge
Of Popular Theories and Random Thoughts
Not Encumbered by
Soul Searching 
Given Over To 
Publicly Acting As You Will Want!

Prosperity And In Sin
Were in The Group First!
Prosperity Bought Security
Security Kissed Sin 
Prosperity Sin and Security Became The Gospel's Hot Throuple
That Everybody Is Following 
Wanting to be their Follow-Fashion Double!

Sadly ...

Unbeknownst to Blinkered All
Prosperity Sin and Security
Are A Plant Raised Up By That Fraud
Who Has Not A Single Problem
Selling His Bill Of False Goods
That Doing Sin Is Expected From Man
That Prosperity Is Heavenly Approval, and
That Security Is The Meal of
Young Lamb
With Fresh Herbs
Basmati Rice
Avocado and Cucumber
Peas Carrots and Beans
Ice Cream and Apple Pie and 
Sparkling Cider on Cracked Ice!

"It's Too Yummy!! Nice! Nice!"

To All Who Love Jesus
The Christ Crucified
Get A Grip
Please Remember
Sin Carries Around A Vice
That Immobilizes and Locks
Sets One Apart
As Part of The Rabble
Outside The Safe Ark
Where Those Who Love Trust and 
Follow The Lord and His Word
Are Safe From Condemnation
When They Shall Stand Before 
The Lord of All Creation!

Please Do Not Let Fleeting Pleasures
Lock You Up and
Then Block
You Off From Your Blessings 
As A Member of God's Flock!

Sin IS A Fire Sale!
Prosperity Has Rubber Legs, and
Security IS An Illusion That Makes You Pay As You Beg
For Comfort and Affection
Colored Real Pretty and Neat Neat
Leaves You All Blackened
Crawling On The Floor As You Weep:

"Please,  Someone!
Please Save Me!
I'm Down On The Hard Floor!
I'm Weak!
I'm Tired!
I Can't Take Any More!"

Don't Be Fooled By Emotions
Thrills and Loud Noise
That Cover Up Nothing but 
Emptiness and Lies!

"Doth Says The Lord!"
Is The Modus Operandi
Anything Else
Is Hear and Live Lie, and Then
Eternally Die!

Another Gospel 
For Those 
Who CHOOSE To Believe 

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