
Saturday, December 12, 2015

WHOM DO YOU SERVE: Living Loving God OR Lying Dying God!

Living God!
Dying God!
One is The Fake!
One is The Lord!
Choose You Today
Whom You Will Serve
See That You Don't Make 
The Fatal Mistake!

Living God Creates!
Dying God Abominates!

Living God Seals!
Dying God Sells!

Living God Heals!
Dying God Steals!

Living God Leads!
Dying God Needles!

Living God Truly For Us Feels!
Lying God Falsifies What He Truly For Us Feels!

Living God Cries!
Dying God Lies!

Living God Gives Real Hope!
Dying God Gives Real Dope!

Living God Sacrificed Himself for Believers in Him!
Dying God Sacrifices His Believers in Him!

Living God is Coming To Earth Again!
Dying God is Going to Hell's Flames in Shame


The Living Loving God


The Lying Dying Fraud!

Make Sure That The God That YOU Pick


The God That Will Save YOU


The God That Makes Time 
Forward Tick!

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