
Saturday, July 9, 2016

Christianity Is Showing That You Are Good Seed Sowing!

I Was Never One For Visiting Pleasure Palaces!
I Preferred Entertaining At Home
For There I Could Know All That Was Going On
And Nor Worry
About Unrighteous Acts And Behaviors
Having Free Reign
In That Place That I Called My Own!

I Always Set Me A Good Table!
I Poured Beverages
That No One Could Call Upon:
"On The Rocks!"
"Make That Neat!"
I Was Ever-Cognizant
Of My Reputation
Did Nothing
To Put My Name On Cloud Blast
On Vicious Repeat!

NOW ...

We Must Realize That
As Christians
Every Thing That Is Done
Will Offend Somebody
Especially That One
Who Looks
To Destroy And Cause Sorrow
For Any Every Body
In God's Service Employed
Or In His Living Word Steeped!

The Brand Of The Christian
Is Made Bullet Proof
By Christ!
The Brand Of The Unbeliever
Often Makes One
Cringe Cower
Sometimes Say
"Look, There! A Child Of Satan!"
"That's A Satanic Device!"

BUT ...

When A Child Of God
Looks Like
Smells Like
Talks As
Acts Upon
Is Consumed By
The Flavors
The Fragrances
Of The Wily Wild World
It Is Time
For Us All
To Get Back To
The Undiluted
Course Grains
Of The Plain
Unprocessed Spirit-Inspired Holy Word!

A Christian
Should Be As Identifiable As
A Bleeding Sore Thumb
In A Lily White
Skin Tight
Dress Glove!

All Seers Should Be Able To See
That What You Are Professing Is
To You
Truly Real
Not The Means To Fix The Matter
Of Getting You Made Popular
In The Vanity-Inspired
Social Media Chatter!

Christianity Is Not A Religion!
Christianity Is The Way To Life!
Christianity Is The Measuring Tape
By Which Seekers After God
How Far They Are Getting Away From Sin
Getting Closer
To The Eternal God In This Mortal Carnal Life!

Is Neither
A Convenience
A Roman Holiday
A Cause Celebre
It Is Not
A Poor Man Panacea
The Wannabe Rich Man's Causeway!

Christianity Is
Power To Push
To Travel The Distance
On The Eternal God's
Glory Road
Not A Way For Satan
To Be Every Man's God Goad!

God's Glory
Is Not That
To Be Found In A Hole
Nor The Proof
To Be Found
On The Wandering Ones' Soles!

NOW ...

If Christian Called
Is Who You Aspire To Be
You Need To Remember The Words:

"Thou, God, Seest Me!"

Think About What You Are Doing
The Appearance Of Evil Shun
Stop Giving Satan
A Comic Book To Read For
Christians' Failure Fun!

IF ...

You Don't Apologize
For Being
Brother Sister
Husband Wife
Friend Family
Don't The Name Of Jesus Christ
Wittingly Compromise!

Don't Give The World A Reason
To Laugh At You
Call You Soft!
Don't Give Satan Another Reason
To Try And Pick You Off
The Engrafted Tree
From Which You Get Life
So That You Can Laughingly
Live It Up
In An Elevated
Canopy Bed
Full Of Human Lice
In A Tricked-Out Loft!

Be Mindful
Ever Careful
Of The Manufacturer
Whose Bed You Sleep Lounge Upon
For That Manufacturer
May Be Him Who
Is In Eternal Opposition To
The Living Holy
Faithful Eternal
All Seeing
All Knowing
Ever Present
Soul Preserving
Sin Destroying God!

What Is
The Greeting Card
To YOUR Version
Of Jesus Christ's Christianity
Telling The World About God?


Can The World See Jesus In YOU?


Would Jesus Christ 
Claim YOU
As His Own?

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