
Saturday, July 9, 2016


Heedless,  Hopeless
Christless, Crossless
Blameless,  Shameless
Pitiless, Fair-Promise
Are All Children Of
The Greats
Live In The Great House
Their Life Is Grand And Great!

Pity, Peace
Calm, Care
Reason, Restful
Righteous, Remorse
Revelation, Rout
Are The Children
Of Justice And Mercy
Work For A Mere Pittance
Knee High To Next Kin
To Nothing!
Okay!  Nothing!
On The Vast Holdings Of
The Greats
They Barely Survive!

Having Two Nickels To Rub Together
On Any Given Day
Is Great Cause For Celebration
They Are Happy!
Of A Truth This I Say!

On Any Given Day
On A Weekend
The Noise Of Raucous Music
Unrestrained Laughter
The Clinking Of Glass
The Breaking Of Bottles
The Shrieks Of Debauchery
Come Wafting On The Winds
Into The Ears And Domain
Of Those Citizen Employees!

The Amount Of Waste Removed
At The End Of Each Day Of "Celebration"
Is Enough To Choke A Horse
And Fill A Bus!

These Great Kind
Many Of Them Notable
For Their Whorish Ways
Care Nothing
For The Feelings Nor Sensibilities
Of The Many In Their Employ!

As Was Often Heard Said Among Them:

"If You Don't Like The Conditions Here

You Are Free To Get A New Job!"

Followed Closely By
Sarcastic And Vicious Laughter!
It Was Their Greatest Fun
For Their's Was The Only Gig In Town!

Things Were Almost
Sorta Kinda Maybe
Almost Okay
Until THAT Day!

That Day
Was The Day They Got Into
The Business Of
Monopoly Church!

Of Course
This Was The Day After They Had Announced
Monopoly Money
Fired Localized Government
That The Land Of The Great
Had No More Sky God
On Their Estates
Denial Of This
By Conscience
Would Bloody The Estate!

It Was A Dark Day Indeed!

Rights Were Wrongs!
Strange Is The New Happy Hit Song!
On The Concourse
Guns With Roses
Is Playing
"Gotta Go Along To Get Along!"


Bring Out Your Family
To Pray Together And Play!
We Need The Blessing From Our God
To Make Disasters Stay Away!

A Youngster Said:

Your God Is The Fraud!
He Wants To Be Almighty God
That Ain't Going To Happen!
We Are Standing True
To The Holy Eternal God
Not To Some Wannabe
Taking Unto Himself
The Prerogatives Of The True And Living God!

Ooooh!  He Said A Curse!

Whack That Mole!

We Will Warn You Today!

Second Offense A Fine You Will Pay!
Offend Again And Confined Will Be The Only Way!
Insist On Your Ill-informed Way
With Your Life, By The Blade, You Will Pay!
There Will Be No Reprieve
That Is What The Great And Glorious One Says!

And Then ...

The Voice
So Solemn
Is Heard:

People Of The Living God
Let Us In Jesus' Faith
Prayerfully Declare
That God Is The Lord
And That He Is Bringing
His Own Rewards
For All
Be He
True False
Rich Poor
Free Bond
Sincere Or Fraud!

Hold The Fort!

The Trumpet Will Sound!
Jesus Will Come!
The Heavens Will Scroll
And The Godless Riches Of Sinful Man
Will Testify Against Man
Just As God Himself Once Spoke!

Man Taking Away From Man

The Rights Given To Each
By God's Own Hand
Can Have No Good Ending
No Matter The Standing Of Satan
In The Great Land!

Conscience Is King!

Jesus Christ Himself Is Reigning
Calling Him Useless
Is Not Going To Change Anything!

In The Glorious Day

Revelation Will Hold Sway
And Justice Will Have Silenced
Mercy's Sweet Mouth!
Revile Will Carpet Sinful Man!
Peace And Rest
Will Hold Believers' Hands
The Godless Will Have No Reward Worthy To Be
In The Gloriously Peaceful Land!


Come Out From Among Them!
Fair Promise Just Makes You A Tool!
You Can Believe This!
Jesus Saves!
Playing Devil's Advocate Is Just Not Cool!

Let Me Say!

Let Me Say!
The True God Does Not Say
That He Has Changed His Word
To Suit The Days!

The Real God Of Mankind All

Is Constant
Not Given To The Fickle Fads
Of The Men Of The Fall!
His Word Is Unchangeable!
He Is Unchangeable!
His Ways Don't Never No Way Change At All!

Righteousness Is His Name!

Creator Provider Sustainer Is His Fame!
Shepherd Of Willing Sheep
Leading  Believers Unto Waters That Keep All Alive!
Don't Tremble
When The Abomination That Desolates Arrives!

Look To King Jesus!
Bread And Water Are Sure!
You Will Live!
Afflict Your Souls!
Wrestle With Your Holy Lord
Devil Be Damned
Your Soul Shall Thrive
You Will By God's Grace

Trust Jesus!

Trust AND Obey!

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