
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Doctor, Doctor: The Great Physician

I Went To The Soul Doctor!
He Said I Needed A Self Exam!
He Said I Needed A Dose Of Self-Discipline
That Thereby
My Self-Respect Would Get A Shot In The Arm!

I Did Not Like The Sound Of That!
I Did Not Like Where This Was Headed!
I Could Feel A Head Ache Coming On
For I Had To Do Me Some Head Scratching
Which Was Going To Leave
My Big Pig-Headedness
ANDMy Wilful Head
Quite Shorn!

If I Thought
That This Was All
Of My Denouement
I Was Operating Under A Misconception
- That Was Soon Made Plain -
Dr. Jesus H. Christ
- The Great Physician Himself -
Was In My Eyes
Shining The Bright Light!

And ...

It Became Obvious
That There Was Going To Be
A Struggle To The Death
I Desired To Attain
The Everlasting Life!

Dr. Jesus ...
Some People Called Him
Lord Christ!
Dr. Jesus Said:

Raise Your Daily Intake Of Self-Sacrifice!
Remove Self-Aggrandizement From Your Diet!
Add At Least Three Servings Of Prayer To Your Plate Every Day
Keep In Constant Communion
With The Holy Spirit -
He Will Your Tried Spirit Cheer!

I Was Saying To Myself ...

Goody! No New Medicine Today!

When ...

Here Is Your Prescription
For Daily Therapy!
Psalms, Hymns, Spiritual Songs
Help To Make Your Walk Through The Vale Of Tears
Even Unto Easier!
Keep A Zion Song In Your Heart
As You Go On God's Errands
Each Day
In The Name
- My Name -
That Is Your Hope For Surpassing Glory
Go To The Father
Without Ceasing
You Will
In Eternity
Before The Great Throne Sing!

Cling To The Living God!



... And Rest Easy!

The Holy Spirit, Here
Will Assist You! - Just Ask!
The Holy Angels Will Surround You -
This Labor Of Love
Is Their Beloved Task!
I Am Always Available! -
Just Say The Name!
Just Think On Me!
Just Reach Out To Me
Get Up From In Front Of 
That Benighted Silent Teacher
You Call Must-See TV!

I Adjure You
To Help Somebody
To Give A Good Word
Point A Soul To Salvation
Get Out Amongst The Obedient Sheep
Walk Away From The Goat Herd!
You Are Known By The Company You Keep
If You Walk Together
You Agree
Choose Elevating Companions
Don't Give Idle Words
Not Even A Single Moment
Of Game Play
Do That That Is To The Good



Much, Much, More Was Said
Sufficed To Say
I Left Dr. Jesus' Office
To Straight Walking
Faithful Working
Constant Fervent Praying
Joyful Thanksgiving
Persistent Praising Of The Holy God
Every Day!

Let Me Tell You ...

You Should Visit Dr. Jesus!
He Is Truly
A ... No!
The Great Physician!
I Love Him!

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