
Thursday, March 16, 2017

PERSONAL PUZZLER: Living The Committed Christian Life

The Open Question:

What Would You Say To A Church Pastor

Who Is Proudly Gay
Who Speaks Proudly
Of What The He-God
Has Done
Of What The She-God Is Doing?

The American Gay Population Is Less Than 4%

Of The Total Population!
What Would You Say To A Heterosexual 
Bible-Thumping Pastor
Who Says That The Christian Church Would Die
Without The Gay Church Members/Musicians Who 
Presumptuously Live 
In Known Sin Before Almighty God?

How Would You Respond To The Charismatic Pastor

- With Immensely Convincing Oratorical Skills -
Who Says That
Loving, Living And Serving 
Are The Only Three Things
That A Modern Christian Is Required To Do?

What Of ...

Confession, Repentance, Obedience
Walking And Working In Faith?

What Of ... 
The Acquisition Of The Lord's
Meek And Gentle Spirit
Against Which There Is No Law?

What Of ...

The Aspiration Of Striving 
For To Achieve God's Glory?

What Of ...

The Renunciation Of Sin?

What Of ...

Living With The Hope
That Comes Of Faith That Works
Because Of Our Love Of The Lord Christ?

What About ...

Our Asking The Lord
For The Indwelling Of His Holy Spirit?

What About ... Denying Self?

What About ... 

  • Temperate Living?
  • Not Walking Wise In Our Own Eyes?
  • Denying The Liar?
  • Watching And Praying?
  • Not Holding On To Temporal Things?
  • Living To Send Up Riches To Glory?
  • Asking The Lord To Cleanse Us Of All Unrighteousness?
  • Wearing The Whole Armor Of God?
  • Beatitude Living?
  • Blessing God?

And ...

What About Thanking The Holy God 
For Our Blessings
Seen And Unseen
Known And Unknown
Unasked For
Blessings Promised To Come?

Can We "Christians" Really Get All Of Our Lives

Into The Three Broad Categories Of:


Without Following The Prescriptives Of The Living Word?


If Something Does Not Have A Name

It Is Usually Rendered Unimportant!
Just Saying Live, Love And Serve
Gives Us All The Opportunity 
To Forget To Remember
To Ignore
To Less Count
To Elevate
To Denigrate
To Gravitate
To Set Aside
To Glorify!

When You Know All That Is Required

You have No Excuse For Forgetfulness
Nor Disobedience!

Can A Committed Christian

Really Leave The Living Of His Life
To Man's Happenstance?

What Purpose Does Jesus Christ Serve 

In Your Life?

What Do YOU Say To All These Things?

The Apostle Paul Said:

Without The Law, I Would Not Know Sin.

I Say:

Without Our Closely Following

The Requirements For True Christian Living
We Will Fall For Any Thing
Every Thing!

We Have Been Given A Blueprint

A Blueprint For Living Christ's Life
If We Will Follow It Closely
We Will Survive Earth's Strife!

We Are To:

Read The Bible 
AND Pray
Work In Faith
Humble Ourselves
Deny The Adversary Every Which Way
Lift Up The Lord
Remove The Beam From Our Own Eyes
Get God's Eye Salve
Get God's Gold
Get God's White Linen
Put Oil In Our Lamps
Accept Provided Grace
Accept The Given Faith
Accept Free Offer Of Salvation
Strive To Be Redeemed
Leaning On Christ ... Endure The Struggle
Let The Holy Spirit Lead!

We Are Also Called Upon To:

Entertain Strangers
Love The Lord
Love Our Brother As We Love Ourselves
Walk The Straight And Narrow Way
Let Our Heart Be Fertile Ground
Let Good Angels Influence Us To Do Good
Stand On The Rock Of Ages
Stand On The Promises Of God
Reach Out To Jesus
Let Jesus Hold Our Hand

AND ...
We Are Encouraged To:

Get Victory Over Sin Through Jesus
Go On The Narrow Road With Straight Walking
Use Soft Answers To Turn Away Wrath
Not Be A Fool
Be Wise Unto Salvation
Don't Indulge A Double Mind
Live For The Lord
For, In This, Is Great Reward!

The Great Question
That Needs The Simple Answer
From A Spirit-Lead Conscience

Does Just Living
- A Doctrine Of Fallen Man -
Serve The Purpose
In Your Call To Jesus Christ
- The Savior God -
Who Died
To Save You?

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