
Wednesday, September 20, 2017

CREEPING DOUBT : A Push-In Robbery! + PRAYER: I Need You, Lord!

I Thought I Was Opening The Door
To Faith For Today
Creeping Doubt
- Doing A Push-In Robbery
Just Like A Gully-Bore -
Entered My Living Space
Shaking Me
To My Core!

I Cried Out In Consternation
Ever Horror
Called Unto My God:

Lord Jesus, Save Me!

Send Help Before 

In The Face Of Creeping Doubt
I, Paralyzed

Is Our God!
Not Like The Fraud!
In The Moment Of
My Trust-In-God Lament
The In-Flowing Holy Spirit
Had My Bowed Shoulder

With Renewed Faith
I Firmly Exclaimed:

Get Thee Hence, Satan
You And Your Messenger Of Doom!
I Do Not Live In The Sight Of My Eyes!
I Live In The Love Of The Lord Christ
My God And My King
Who Is Returning To The Earth Soon!

I Trust God For Deliverance!
Angels Surround!
I Trust God For Healing
The Great Physician's Balm Is Poured Out!

I Trust God For Shelter!
The Rock Of My Defense Is For Me Cleft!
I Trust In The Grace Of God
Has Not My House Left!

And In Distinct Gratitude
I, To My God, Prayed:

Dear Lord, Most Holy
You Are My God!
Please Protect And Preserve My Faith

Rid Me Of Doubt
That Messenger Of King Fraud!

I Bless You, Lord!
I Believe Your Word!
Break My Stony Heart Before You, Lord
And Give Me
The Promised Heart Of Flesh
In The Faith Of My Jesus
I Will - By You - To Be Eternally Blessed!

I Am Walking On The Narrow Way -
Let My Speech
By Truth
Be Straight!
Let My Footsteps Gently Fall
As I Share The Gospel Of Peace
To Everybody
One ... And All!

Blest Me To Hear The Joy And Laughter
Tinged With Heavenly Melody!
Bless Me Not To Make Shipwreck
Of My Faith
So That In The Great Day
I Will Not Be Participant
In The Damnation Disaster!

I Bless You, Lord!
I Fear Thy Name!
With My Confession And Repentance
Please Remove From Me
The Guilt Of Sin
The Fallen Man's Stench Of Shame
Raise Me Up
Raise Me Up
To Glory Untold
In The Great Day
When With Glorified Sight
I Shall My Lord
My King
My Savior
My Redeemer
In Peace With You ... Behold!

I Need You, Lord! 
Have Mercy And Bless Me
In Jesus' Name
Convicted Of Sin
Converted To Faith
Awaiting Sure Redemption
As A Recipient Of Blood-Bought Salvation
I Plead ... I Plead! 

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