
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Recipe For Disaster!

... I Had Left The World In Practice
Not Too Long After
My Spirit Followed
You Must Understand That
It Was A Fight
For My Spirit ... For A Time
Still Basked
In The Things-Of-The Wicked-World Glow!
I Still Wanted To Go With The Flow!

That's The Truth!
I Know!

I Had Thought Nothing Of It
I Was Done With The Allurements Of The World
Until The Day I Heard The Trumpet Calling
My Hair Started To Curl!

Shocked ... I Cried Out:

What Meanest This?!
I've Forsaken The World
So Why Is My Spirit
Desiring A Worldly Twirl?!

I Got Out The Old Bible
And Had Me A Look Through
Then The Story Of Lot And His Family
Was Under My Review!

I Read It!
I Pondered It!
I Read It ... Again
That The Key To My Problem
Laid In The Person Of Lot's Wife Who
Loved Life In The Flesh Pot
More Than The God Who
Staved Off Sure Destruction
So That Through The Gate To Salvation
She Could
- With Alacrity -
Walk Through!

The Things That One Loves
Are The Things That Hold Dominion
Over Body And Spirit
You Can Be Sure 
That - With Wisdom - They'll Never Attend
The Faith-In-God's-Word Cotillion!

Control Of The Spirit
Must Be Given Over To The Savior
Or Else
Spirit Will Encourage Carnal-Minded Body
To Indulge In Known Unseemly Behavior!

Lot's Wife Loved Her Things
More Than She Loved Her Life
Her Love Of Her Perishable Things
Cost Her ... Her Unregainable Life!

Living In The Flesh
Is Looking For 
Embracing Death
Death Is Disguised
As Looking Good At Living Life
Until Death Is Unmasked
After You - Lost - Die!

Come On!
How Is Unmasked Death Profitable
To The One Who Dies?!

It Isn't!
It's A Cautionary Tale
For The Living
Teaching Them Not To Despise
The Blessings Of Heaven
Not To Be Ruled
By The Devil's Leaven!

"Do What Thou Wilt!"
Is The Recipe For Disaster
Many Are They
Who Stoke The Damned Devil's Laughter
By Not Committing
Body AND Spirit
To The Care Of The Lord
Walking, Walking Talking
In Inharmonious Profession
In The Face Of The World
In The Sight Of The Eternal God!

What, May I Ask You
Is An Inharmonious Profession?!

That's When Your Walk And Your Talk 
Don't Comport aka Align aka Line Up!


Yeah! They Talk Turkey And Walk Duck!

What I Still Don't Understand
Is The Correlation Between You And Lot's Wife?!

Lot Ran A Godly Operation
It Is Assumed ...!

... Careful Wielding That Assume Thingy!
It's A Side-Winder!

Will Do!
We Take For Granted
That Lot's Wife Was A Godly Person
If You Look Closely
You Will Plainly See 
That In The Hour Of Her Trial
Her Love Of Her Possessions 
Apparent Status
Rendered Her A Woman Starkly Ungodly
- Plainly Idolatrous -
For Her Things Obtained Her Worship
In The Day Of Escape
Her Spirit Was Behind Her
- She Seemingly Felt That God Had Dealt Harshly With Her -
Esconced In The Damned City
AND SOHer Quivering Flesh
Concerned Fearful
For Its Welfare
- Slighting The Eternal God's Grace -
Did Look Back ...!

... And Death Attacked!

That's A Shame ... A Disgrace!

I Get It! I Get It!
Her Spirit Led Her Eyes
So She Looked Back ... Twice!
Her Heart Was In The Doomed City
So Her Body Wanted
To Be There
And, So
Her Eyes Thereto Turned!

How True!
Your Spirit Controls Your Body
Unless AND Until
You Turn Over Self
- Completely -
To The Lord Of Life
- Totally -
To Make The Way For You
In The Carnal Strife!

Well Put!
God In - Self Out!
Self In - God Out!

Man Cannot Serve Two Master
One Will Be The King
And The Other  Will Be As Broken Plaster
And Therein Will Lie
Sure And Real Disaster!

Man Needs To Learn This Lesson For Life Faster
So That The Lord Of Life
Will Be Their Only Master!


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