
Friday, September 29, 2017

HAPPY SABBATH + The Lord, The Lord!

Wants Me To:
  • Trust His Word
  • Follow Him Without Fear
  • Believe Him Without Doubt
  • Answer Him Ever With "Yes!"
  • Tell The Other "No!"
  • Live Victoriously For Him
  • Consciously Die To Self
  • Think Eternally
  • Walk In His Faith
  • Claim His Promises
  • Constantly Read His Love Letter
  • Call Him Possessively 
  • Think Of Him Continually
  • Talk About Him Habitually
  • Declare His Wondrous Works Expansively 
  • Seek Him Everywhere
  • Sing His Praises Rejoicingly
  • Go To His Father Prayerfully 
  • Lean On His Arm Dependently
  • Rest Easy In His Green Pasture
  • Find Instant Refreshing By His Still Waters
  • Ask Him To Restore My Soul
  • Accept Daily Grace Always Sufficient 
  • Take His Mercy That Is Free To Me
  • Know That I Have Strong Body-Guards
  • Repent Of Yesterday
  • Confess Known Sin
  • Wash In His Blood
  • Know The Truth
  • Live In His Light
  • Buy Fire-Tried Gold From Him
  • Wear The Clothing He Provides
  • Let Him Treat My Blind Eyes With Salve
  • Ask For The Indwelling Comforter
  • Not Grieve The Holy Spirit 


Do It All
Because Of Love
Because He Loved Me First
- Always And Best -
Died To Save Me
Has Gone To Prepare Me An Eternal Home
In The Glorious Kingdom Of The Blessed
As My Personal High Priest
Is Interceding For Me!

It Is Too Much! I Said.

He Ever So Gently Said: There Is More.

Are You Real?!
Prove Me.

What If I Stumble?!
Call Out To Me.

What If I Die?!
Die In Me!
You'll Rise To And With Me!

How Long Before You Tire?!
My Love Is Not On Hire.

Can We Talk?!
Whatever Whenever Wherever
Just Because
In Communion - Total Union.

What Do You Get?!
Your Whole Heart
Your Soul To Control
Your Life.
I Love You To Death.

I Love You.

Take My Hand
Do Not Let Go
Stay Under My Shadow
We Are Going Home

Do Not Look Back
Look Up To Me
Do Not Worry
Do Not Fear

You Cannot Be Forsaken
I Am Your Creator
You Are Mine
My Forever Treasure

Walk In Accord With Me
And We Shall Be Together Forever.

For The Ceaseless Ages Of Eternity.

Take My Hand, Faithful God!
You're The Rock Of Ages!
In You, I'll Stand!
I Was Tired!
I Am Weak!
You Make Me Strong!
I Wandered The World
And Lived As A Disgrace!
But In This Day
I Behold Your Face
And Know
I Need You, Lord!
Help Me To Stand!
I Want To Go Home!

You Hear My Cry!
You Hear My Call!
You Hold My Hand!
Holding You ... I Cannot Fall
Here's My Hand
Trembling Small
Lord Of My Life
Please Lead Me Home!

The Way Is Hard
... And Easy, Too!
The Lord Loves Me!
The Lord Loves You!
The Adversary Of Souls
Cannot Separate Us!
No Power! No Want!
No Plan To Pervert
Will Prosper Against You
If The Lord You Don't Desert
So Close Earth's Eyes
Walk In Christ's Faith
He's Leading Me And You!

Hell Will Rage!
Damnation May Roar!
Minions Will Seek
To Get The Cheap Score
Stand Firm In The Faith
Christ The Lord Is The King

Live By Grace!
Mercy Is Free!
Truth Is Your Shield!
Peace Passes Understanding!
The Love Of God 
Is Your Weapon To Wield
Take The Hand
That Precious Hand
Christ Is Leading Us Home!
Safely ... HOME!

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