
Thursday, September 28, 2017

In The Service Of The Living God!

In The Service Of Love
- The Service Of God -
Is The Will To Please
By Serving God
According To His Requirements
To Do It Willingly
Because We Return His Delightsome Love!

Doing The Will Of God
Is Not A Burden
To The One Who Trusts
Who Loves
Who Honors
Who Worships
Who Readily Obeys
Because The Pleasure Derived From 
Being In God's Service
Beautifully Lights Life's Oft' Dim Pathways!

There Is No Turning Away From Duty!
There Is No Stopping The Glorious Work To Laud Self!
There Is No Wondering Who Is Not Working
There Is Wandering Around 
The Self-Serving Soul's Market Shelves!

The One Who Loves The Lord
That It Is Its Own Reward
All Who Work Out Of Love
In The Service Of The Lord
Will Find That With Divinity
They Walk In Accord!

I Love The Lord!
I Think Of Him
I Work For Him
If With Endurance
I Stay The Course
In The Day Of Appointment
There Shall Be No Finding Of Spiritual Adultery
No Eternal Separation 
By The Condemnatory Divorce!

Let Us Willingly Obey
The Lord's Commands
In His Service
We Faithfully Stand!

Lord Almighty,
We're Yours To Command!
In Jesus' Name
Keep Us Faithful!

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