
Friday, September 8, 2017

PRAYER FOR THE PEOPLE ... In The Midst Of The Storm!

In This Hour Of Trial
Lord Jesus, Plead For Us!

Heavenly Father,
We Come Before You
As Supplicants And Penitents
Thankful For Dear Grace
Pleading For Available Mercy!
Bless You, Lord
For Provision And Protection!

We Bring Before
The Peoples Of The Islands Of The Sea
Who Have Been Struck
By Hurricane 
And By Earthquake
And Tsunami
Have Suffered Loss Of Life!
Comfort Them Please
Reveal To Them Your Saving Grace!

We Pray For Those Who Mourn
For Those Who Anticipate A Mourning!
Please Heal Their Hurts And Their Hearts!

Pity Us In Our Myriad Distresses
Have Mercy Upon Us!

We Bring Before You
Our Own Nation, Lord
Which Is Now In The Direct Path
Of The Present Storm
And Plead, Dear Father
For The Sake Of The Holy People
For The Grace That You Alone
Can Provide!
May Your Grace Be Ever Sufficient!

We Commend The Souls
Our Loved Ones
To Your Safe-Keeping
And Ask You
To Keep Our Faith Firm
And Our Souls
Anchored In The Eternal God!
We Know, Lord
That We Are Not Alone!

In The Blessed Word
You Have Said:
Sorrow May Last For A Night
But Joy Comes ... In The Morning!
Let The Morning Soon Come, Lord
For We Hope And Trust In You!

Please Bless The Praying People
So That Those Who Don't
May Be Blessed By Our Supplications
To The Holy God!
Lord, We See Our Need!

We Confess Our Sins
Repent Of All Unrighteousness!
Forgive Us In This Trying Hour
Save Our Souls
Even As We Plead
For The Saving Of Our Bodies!

May The Holy Spirit Comfort Us!
May The Holy Angels Protect Us
May The Holy God Shelter Us
Under The Everlasting Arms
Is Our Plea
In The Name Of Jesus Christ The Righteous!
We Love You, Lord!
Our Lives Are In Your Hands - Remember Us!

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