
Thursday, September 7, 2017

GODLINESS: Real Gain! + PRAYER: Father, Cleanse Us!

Look Around You!
Take The Tour!
God Is Truly Blessing Us
And That's For Sure!

Come On, Letsy!
Surely You Don't Believe
What You Just Said?!

Sure, I Do!
Pastor Says That Visible Prosperity
You Know
Houses, Land, Toys, Trips
Discretionary Cash, Nice Clothes
Beautiful Furnishings
Are All A Mark Of God's Favor!

Okay. Okay.
Nothing Wrong
With What "The Pastor Said!"
Can You Tell Us
- Me And You -
What Almighty God
- In His Living Word -

Well, It Is Like This ...!
The Lord Said ... Says ...!
I Am Sure That The Lord Said ...!
Wait A Minute ... What DID The Lord Say?!
Mercy Me!
I Don't Even Know What The Lord Said!

You Should Hold Your Head Down ... In Shame!
Don't You Read Your Bible?!

Not Really!
There's No Need!

You Can't Be Serious! Why Not?!

Pastor Says ...!

You Can Tell Me
What "Pastor" Says
But You Don't Know What
The Eternal God
The Savior Of Your Own Soul Says?!

Dear Lord!
This Is Eden All Over Again!
The Creature's Words Have Power
But The Creator's Word
Is A Mere Squeak!
Pity Us, Father!

Who Is Your Pastor Working For?!
Himself Or The Living God?
Is It Possible
That He Is Working
For That Wannabe God
King Fraud?!

Shut Your Mouth!!

I Will Not!
You And I
Are Going To Have
A Coming-To-Jesus Meeting
You Have Surely Lost Your Way
And Are Babylonian Sweet Cakes Eating!

Yum! I Like Sweet Cakes!

Yes! I Can See That
But I Am Sure
That You Will Not Like
These Babylonian Sweet Cakes!
Their Leavening Ain't From
The Lord God Holy And Divine
Friend Of Mine!

You're Serious?!

Yes, I'm Serious!
All This Stuff Piled Up
And Your Wayward
Pastor-Inspired Erroneous Thinking
Has The Sulphurous Stench Of Satan
Reeking From It!

Come On!
That's Melodramatic!
It Can't Be That Bad!

It's Worse!
Gain Is Not Godliness
Is Great Gain!

From The Look Of This Place
And Your Rabid Spending
You Are Not Inhabiting
A Contented State! 

What You Are You Doing Later?!

I'm Doing A Mall Hop!
I'm Going ShoppingI
I Want To Buy ...!
Ohhh, Dear!

Yes ... Oh, Dear, Dearie!
Have you Ever Seen
A U-Haul At The Cemetery Gate
Carrying The Deceased One's Beloved Possessions?!
Or Have You Ever Heard
A Dead Man Speak About
Refitting His House
His Going On Vacation?!

Girl, You Are On 
A Build A Bigger Barn Shopping Spree
It's Not Going To End Well!

How Dare You?!
You're Just Jealous!

If You Say So.
Things Are Here To Make Us Comfortable!
We Are Not To Get Comfortable With Things
Things Are Just That ... Things!
No Heart - No Soul
Inanimate - Cold!
Just Like Belly Fat
They Don't Love You
Just Like Belly Fat
The Rush To Grasp Things Will Kill You
Just Like A Cat Will Kill A Rat!

Only Problem, Though
The Inordinate Desire For Things
Will Ultimately Kill You Twice!
It's A Satanic Device!

But Having Things Is Such Fun!
They Are So Shiny!
That New Merchanchise Smell Is Sooo Delicious
And Best Of All
It Makes Me Feel So Very  Prosperous!
The Thrill Of Acquisition!

Lord, Have Mercy
On Your People Today
Who Erroneously Believe That Feelings
And Things Possessed
Will Cause Them To Enter Heaven
On The Great Day!

Letsy ...
How Did You Get Here?!
You Used To Unfailingly Trust God!
How Did You Arrive At This Cross Road
Between King Jesus
And Satan
That Murderous Fraud?!

I Don't Know!
Maybe I Just Got Tired Of Being Poor
And Always Wanting
... Never Having Anything Beautiful ... !

... So You Listened!

Listened To What?!

The Siren's Song!

What Are You Talking About?!


What Are We Recapping?!

Not That Kind Of Recap!
RiCaP -
The Big Three
That Satan Uses
In Playing The Game Of Life
Where The Holy Grail Prize
The Human Soul!

Don't Say That!
You're Scaring Me!

If You Were Not Being Scared
All Hope Would Have Been Lost
Your Being Scared Says
You Can Find Comfort
At The Foot Of Christ's Cross!

Mirrie? Can I Tell You A Secret?!

You Know You Can!

Well ...
It's Like This!
Someone Across The Quad
Reported Me To The Co-op Board
And I Received A Warning Letter
That If I Don't Get Rid Of All This Stuff ...!

... Well, It Is Piled To The Ceiling
And It Is A Fire Trap!

... They're Threatening To Evict Me!
Please Help Me!

Tears Followed!
Hugs Pursued!
Prayers Were Sent Up
Comfort Ensued!

Things Are For Comfort!
Things Should Not Comfort Our Souls
For In That Instance
Things - Not The Living God
Get The Worship
Not The Maker Of The Soul!

Look At The People Around You!
Look At The Things
For Which They Do Care!
Look At How And What For
They Acquire Riches!
Look At What They Take Pleasure
In From And For
Each And Every Day
- For Just A Moment -
Where Jesus Christ Is
In Their Fraught Lives
Decide For Your Own Soul
- Your Own Self -
With Whom
For What
Your Soul's Salvation Lies
ANDIn The Name Of Jesus
Live In
Live For

Your Pastor Needs Jesus, Too
He Can't Save His Own Soul
Far Less Save Yours
No Matter How Much
In The Great Day
You Boo Hoo!

Now ... About These Shoes
Pots Pans
Dresses Utensils
Glassware Cutlery
Coats Electronics
Lamps Hat Boxes
Boots ...!!

... They've Got To Go!

Do You Wear Any Of These Things
Or Use Any Of These Gadgets?!

Not Really!

Then ...!

... Why Did I Buy Them?!


Lust Of The Eye!Check!

Lust Of The Flesh! Check, Check!!

AND ...

Drum Roll!!!


You Know What?!


Confession Is Good For This Soul ...!

... But It Won't Help Us
Figure Out How
To Get Rid Of These Things
This ... This Stuff!

Time To Start Writing The List!!


Forgive Us
For Putting Possessions Before Praise
For Letting Things
Take The Place Of Thankfulness
Not Taking Our Cares
To The Ancient Of Days!

You Are Our God
We Confess Our Sin
We Repent Of Our Folly
In Not Studying The Living Word
For Our Own Selves
For Letting Our Faith Be Misspent!

Grant To Us
The Outpouring Of The Holy Spirit
Whom You Have Promised
Will Lead Us Into All Truth
Grant Us Spiritual Ears
To Hear That Still Small Voice
Help Us, Father
To Make The Lord Christ
Our Eternal Choice!

Cleanse Us From All Unrighteousness
Grant Us Blessed Mercy
Dear Grace
So That
- In Peace - 
We Shall Our Lord's Face
In Whose Name
We Make The Contrite Heart's Plea! 

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