
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Whose Word?! + PRAYER: Father, I Am Lost Without You!

When You Accept
The Word Of The Creature
The Word Of The Creator God
You Elevate The Creature To Creator
Denigrate The Holy God
To The Position Of A God-Fraud!

We Need To Keep The Living God
High And Lifted Up
So That We May Look Up
Satan Can't Give Us
That Hook Up
So Let's Not Make That Foul Up!

Satan Is An Impostor!
His Moves Are Sin-Clad Original!
His Modes Are Stunning Counterfeit!
His Mind Is Stunningly Benighted
His Are Dragon Feet!

Look At Him In Revelation!
See His Denouement In Isaiah!
He Started His Vile Work
Before Earth's Beginning
He Uses His Long Years'
Manipulative Research
Unceasing Labor
To Inveigle Man In Abject Sinning!
He's A Maliciously Malevolent Spirit
He Doesn't Need To Eat Or Sleep!

Satan Is The Master Mind
Of All Dying Man's Sorrows!
His Wily Ways Are Not Kind
All Who Avidly Follow Him
Are Knowingly
Wilfully Conscienceless
Axiomatically Blind!

Reason Carefully
Look Up To Jesus!
Walk Steadfastly
Away From That Fraud!
His Desire
Is To Spiritually
- Not Just Physically -
Destroy You
He Desires To Bruisingly Hurt
The Eternal God!

The Creature Against The Creator
Is To Hunt
In Lost-One Mode
All Who Indulge This Perspective
Are Operating Under
Cherished-Sin Corrupted-Mode Code
With Hell
As Their Sworn Objective!


Father In Heaven, 
I Come To You Today
A Child
A Willing Servant
Ready To Do As You Say!

I Am Lost Without You!
In You I Am Alive!
Beside You I Am An Over-Comer -
Keep Me There
For It Is To Heaven
With My Jesus
That I - In Humility - Strive!

Let Me Ever Walk With Thee
For I Desire In My Soul
To Ever Live With Thee!
Pour Out Your Holy Spirit
Upon Me This Day
So That I May Your Voice
Your Instructions
- With Alacrity -
Faithfully Obey!

I Am A Creature!
You Are My Creator
My God!
The Lord!
I Bow Before You
With Praise
In Worship
By Your Grace
I Wittingly Deny Satan
The Liar
The Deceiver
The Soul Thief
That Unholy Fraud!

Help Me To See
- By Faith - 
Your Glory
To Strive For The Eternal Win
For I Desire To Sing
Before Your Face
A Joyful Hallelujah
In Praise
Jesus Christ My Forever King!

Please Accept My Prayer
Offered In The Matchless Name Of
Christ Jesus!
I Love You, Lord!
Have Mercy And Bless!

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