
Saturday, September 23, 2017

The Morning Of Bliss Is In Our View!

The Surrogates For Satan
Are In The Operational Mode Earth Conservancy
Never Considering
Totally Ignoring
Desperately Despising
The Eternal God's Sovereignty
Corralling People Into Small Spaces
Igniting Firestorms Of Evil In Their Midst
Encouraging Them To Kill Each Other
So That "The Once Dying Now Man-Saved Earth" 
Will Give The Celebrated
An Image Of  Perfection And Bliss!

God Destroyed The Earth Before With Water!
This Go Around It Is Reserved For Fire
There Is Nothing That The Devil And His Imps Can Do
- By Themselves
Nor By Man's Hand -
That Will Cause The Earth
Early To Expire!

The Lord Made A Promise To His People
A Promise  Signed Off On In Innocent Blood
That He Is Coming For His Elect
- At God's Perfectly Known And Appointed Time -
To Take Them Us To His Home
In Heaven Above!
God Is Faithful!
He, To Us, Is Love!

Just As When The Lord Was In Mount Sinai
The Earth Shook And Convulsed
In His Presence
The Closer That The World Gets
To The Lord's Second Return
All Nature Convulsing
Is What We Can Expect!

The Lord In Zion Reigneth!
Oh, Let His People Rejoice!
The Sure And Plain Signs
His Soon Coming
Don't Let Doubters Stay
Your Rejoicing Voice!

Sing Of God's Grace!
Christ Is Coming In Glory!
Sing Of The Homeward Bound Train!
Sing A Joyful Hallelujah!
Sing It, Brethren Faithful!
Sing It!
Again, And Again!

Rejoice! The Lord Is King!
The Devil's Days Are Numbered Few!
Our Sorrow Has Had Its Night Of Weeping
But, Praise God
The Morning Of Bliss
Is In Our Upward View!

Bless The Lord, Oh, My Soul
With All Your Being!
Salvation Is Coming On The Wing!
The Hosts Of Heaven Are Coming
We Shall Be Celebrating Our Victory
With Our Glorious King!

Sin Death Hell And Satan
Are Already Defeated
Walk Firmly As One Taking The Victory Lap!
Walk Boldly As One Beckoned
To The Glorious King's Presence
That Our Victory Is Of The Holy God!

Give Nothing To Satan
That Condemned

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