
Saturday, September 23, 2017

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: PRAYER ... Living By Jesus Christ's Faith!

Thank You, Lord
For My Spared Life
For A Roof Over My Head
For Health, Strength
For Friends And Family
The Blessed Assurance

That My Lord Christ 
Who Is The One To Come
Will Come
And Shall Not Be Silent!

I Am Thankful For The Saving Grace
That Assures Of A Place
In The Eternal City
I Am Immeasurably Grateful
For The Sacrifice
In The Person Of The Beloved
The Holy Jesus
That Makes It Possible
Permits Me The Faith
To Say With Conviction:

I Believe - Cure Me Of Any Unbelief!
I Trust - Cut Off My Access
To Satan's Best Weapon
Called Rightly Debilitating Doubt!

I Hope - Help Me To Stand Firm
In The Faith Of Jesus
So That The Rising Clamour Of The Rabble
Cannot Cause My Tree To Bear Wild Fruit!

I Love - Help Me To Love In Truth And Purity
And Not Look Back At What Was
Nor Look Down At What Is
To Look Up And Forward
To Him Who Is On The Way
Perfectly Patient
Permitting Patience To Do Her Work
Via The Fiery Trials
That All The World Must Face

And That All The Persevering Faithful
Will Willingly Endure
So That We Will Be Saved Forevermore!

Forgive Me My Folly

And Help Me
For I Believed I Was Rich
And Had The World By The Tail!
I Had Plenty And Needed Nothing
But All That I Was
Was To Sin 
A Regulation Slave! 

I Gratefully Acknowledge My Weakness
So That I May Claim Your Strength!

My Eyesight Is Poor - Apply Unsparingly
The Heavenly Eyesalve!
My Money Is Rusting And Cankered -
I Don't Want It To Testify Against Me
On The Great Day Of Vengeance
So I Apply To You
For A Share Of Heaven's Gold!

Have Mercy!
Sin Made Me Fair To Naked
So Please Give To Me Your Garment Of Righteousness
That Linen Robe Clean And White
So That The Shame
My Shame
Be Not To The World Exposed!

Dear Lord,
I See My Need
For My Soul's Savior
For My Soul To Be Reconciled
To My Father
To My Maker
I Reach For The Hand
That Is Help
My Hope
My Salvation
I Bow My Head
In Convicted-Of-Sin Worship
Ask For The Holy Spirit's Working
So That I Am Truly Converted
To The Way Of Cross
As I Walk Renewed
On The Narrow Way To Surpassing Glory!

I Claim Jesus Christ As Mine!
Grant Unto Me The Character Of The One Divine
Bless Me To Arrive Safely
By Your Grace
In The Land Called Sublime!

I Worship You, Lord
For I Honor

Trust And Love You
Bless You With Unfeigned Lips!

Hear My Prayer
For You Are My God
And I Hold You In Godly Fear!
Please Show Me Again
That For Me You Do Care!
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
I Pray, And Humbly Plead!

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