
Sunday, October 22, 2017

ATTIRE ... For Fire?!

I Looked Like A Christian!
I Lived Like A Fraud!
I Fooled The World
I Was Not Fooling God!

He Looked Like A Sinner!
He Trusted In The Lord!
The World Despised Him
His Heart Belonged To The Holy God!

Man Looks At The Outward Appearance!
The Living God Looks At The Heart!
Man's Attire Will Not Get One Into Heaven
Will Earn Him 
- From The Eternal - 

"From Me Depart!"

What Are YOU Wearing?
What Clothes Your Heart?
Is It Things That Will Burn You
Things That Burn Sin From Your Heart?

Jesus Christ Is The Answer
To All My Questionings
Obedience To The Law Of God
Will Give Life
All The Best Flavorings!

Let Us Endeavor To Do Good
So That Good Will Attend Us!
Let Us Seek The Clothing
That The Living God Custom Made For Us!
Let Us Take God's Truth
Into Our Inward Parts
Let Us With Sin Break Up
So That The Devil Will From Us
With Alacrity Depart!

Satan's Cheap T'ings
Ain't Nuh Good
So Choose To Wear
The Best Attire
That Has Been Purchased
With Innocent Blood
Which Will Surely Exempt You
A Trip Into Damnation's Fire!


F.Y.I ...

The Best Clothing
In The Universe
Comes From
The House Of Heaven!
Jesus Christ
Creator Of The Universe
"Come Unto Me And Rest!"
Current Commission: 
"In Heaven ... Interceding!"
All Faithful Requests For Services.
No Monetary Deposit Required!
Donations Accepted:
Freewill And Heartfelt Prayer!

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