
Monday, October 23, 2017

PuRiSt! + Prayer Of Thanksgiving!

I'm A PuRiSt!
I Have
Pu Rity
Ri ghteousness And
St rengt In Christ Jesus!

I Have Given Up
On All The Doubts
The Suspicions
That The Promises Of God
Are Not Mine
Are Not For Me
I Have Given Myself Unto Christ Jesus
Praise The Lord
Beautiful Peace
- His Peace -
Is All Mine!

Like The Paralytic
I'm Choosing To Believe The Word
I'm Not Waiting
For An Attack Of The Feels!

The Son Of God
Is My Champion
I Am Doing As He Asks:

Yes  ... To Life


No ... To Sin's Strife!

It Is Him That I Please!

I Shall Bless The Lord At All Times!
His Praise Shall Continually Be On My Lips
I Shall Daily Damn The Devil
Being Ever Grateful To The Living God
That The Evil One's Unencumbered Access To Me 
Is Severed!


Thank You, God

For Faith To To See! 
Thank You, God
For Grace To Be! 
Thank You, God
For Blessing Me
To Be A Child Of Your Kingdom
As I Look Forward To 
The Great Day Of Jubilee!

I Love You, Lord
I Beseech You

To Continue To Let 
Your Untold Blessings Rain Down
On The Faithful People!

I Humbly Ask You
To Remember Those
Who Know Not Presently Know
The Lord Christ!
Please Make A Way
Where None Can Be Seen
Do For Us All
What Only The Holy God Can Do!
Pity Us
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
I Pray And Plead!

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