
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

THE WORD OF GOD: Hid Treasure!

Unsearchable Riches!
Unspeakable Gift!
The Words Of The Master
The Seeking Soul Does Uplift!

The Gift Is Just That
A Blessed Gift Of God
To All Who Will Receive It
By Turning From Sin
Unto The Holy God!

Blessed Is The Giver!
Blessed Is The Receiver True!
Blessed Is The Holy Word!
Blessed Is The One
That Has The Living Word
With Excitement Heard!

But ...

Be Careful
See That You Become A HearKeeDo!
When You Hear
Keep The Word Safe In Your Heart
Of Its Commissions
See That You Do!

Do Not Deceive Your Own Self
By Being A Forgetful Hearer!
Let The Word Direct You
As Would A Clear Mirror
So That In The Great Day
You Are Not Irreparably 
Irretrievably Marked
For Eternal Sorrow!

Hear ... The Word
Keep It As Your Perfect Treasure
Do All As You Are Bidden
You Will Live With Our Lord
Forever ... And Ever
This Is Our Promised Reward
From Our Savior, Christ Jesus
Our Redeemer
Lord And God!

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