
Monday, October 16, 2017

False Preachers Teaching ... Comfortable Lies!

There Are Very Wicked Preachers
Who Tell People:

You Cannot Conquer ...
... There Is No Victory
Over The Urge To Sin!

These Are The Self-Same
Bright-Light Teachers
Who Boldly Constantly Preach:

YOU Are An Achiever!
YOU Are A Truly Blessed Child Of God!
Go After YOUR Goals!
In The Name Of Jesus - YOU Shall Get That Big Win!
Do Not Listen To The Fraud!

Pray, Tell Me ... If You Think You Can
How These Two Schools Of Thought Comport
Then Tell Me
If Jesus Can Help You Achieve Your Secular Though Fleeting Goals
If He Isn't Also Able To Get You The Win
That Sees You Entering The Safe-Sheep Fold?!

Why Are Gospel Teachers Preaching Fables
Why Are The Preachers Teaching The Swill
That Places Sinners Needing Converting
Squarely Outside The Ark Of Safety
Where They Become Satan's Booty? 
His Happy Pill?!

Why Are We As Believers
Trusting These Honestly-False Hireling  Shepherds
Believing Their Shallow Words
Not The Deep Words
That The Word Of God Says
Attaching Ourselves Securely
To Damnation's Bitter Yolk
Instead Of Going To The Father
- By Faith -
Trusting By Belief
The Words That Our Master In Truth Spoke?

God Cannot Change
His Living Words Will Not!
God Is Neither Fickle
Nor A Waffler
When He Says That Unrepentant Sinners
Will Have Their Names
From The Lamb's Book Of Life
Blotted Out!

If You Believe Jesus Christ Can Fix The Trivial For You
Please Believe Him All The Way
Let Him Get The Victory Over Besetting  Sin 
Just For You!
He IS The Personal Hands-On God!

When The Preacher Teaches You That

It Is Okay

  • To Wilfully Disobey God For Personal Comfort
  • To Wilfully Indulge In Sin For Personal Comfort
  • To Wilfully Alter The Word Of God For Personal Comfort

  • The Living Word Of God Is Useless To Help You Change Your Life

  • That The Almighty And Eternal God Cannot Fix What Ails You

It Is Time To Know 
Again, Know
That You Need 
A New Minister
A New Preacher
A New Teacher
A New Church
A New And True Bible
The Old Creator God!

If The Infinite God
Cannot Fix
The Finite Man
Through Faith And Belief
In The Sure Word
Then He Is
- Just Like Satan -
 A Bold Liar!

However ...

The Eternal
Creator Holy
Omniscient Omnipresent Omnipotent
Cannot-Fail Living God
Is Not A Flawed Man
He Cannot Lie!
All Men Are Liars!

Now ... Go Do The Kindergarten Math!

Who Are YOU Going To Trust?!

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