
Sunday, October 15, 2017


From The Desk 
Happy Enda Lorde

Date:  Today
Time:  Right Now!!!

Father Of The Faithful
Realm Of The Blessed
The Great Beyond

Re: Save Our Souls

Dear Dad,
Please Come And Take Me Home!
It Has Been Almost Six Clear Days
Since You Left Me At This Boot Camp
But It Feels Like 6,000 Years
I Have Had Enough!
The Teachers And Counselors Are Insane -
Many Are Quite Shady!
It Is Said - And It Looks As Though -
The Food Was Sacrificed Before
To Idols!

I Cringed At The Thought
And I Asked My Dorm Director
To Change My Diet Plan To Fruit And Veggies
And The Bread Of Life
And The Pure Clear Water Of Salvation
Instead Of The Hard Liquor Of Sin
And The King's Wine of Confusion
That Everybody Else Is Drinking!
Things Were Tense For A Moment!

Dad, How Do You Do It?!
How Do You Care For And Love People
Who Neither Care For Nor Love Themselves?!
Please Answer - I Really Need To Know!

There Is A Program Here Called "Charity!"
And All The Popular People Sign Up For It
And Call In The Media For Photo Ops 
And To Have Their Story
Prominently Placed
In Social Media So That It May Grow Like A Virus
And Do Something Called "Go Viral!"
Anybody Who Wants To Be A For-Real
And True-True Media Darling Is Doing It!

Didn't You Say And Memorialize 
In The Good And True Book
That We Are To Give Alms In Private
So That Thereafter
We Will Get Your Public Reward?!

On An Aside, I'm Feeling Somewhat Confused!
Last Week, In All The Media
There Was A Story And A Photo
Of A PopularPretty Person Giving
A Talk Show Host Her Underpants!
Didn't You Say We Should Uplift People
And Let Our Lights Shine
So That Men Will See Our Good Works
And Glorify You?!

I Haven't Yet Figured Out
How My Life Or My Living
Was Edified By That Spectacle!
Was It Perhaps An Unannounced
Show And Tell?!
I Just Don't Know!
Please Tell Me What Purpose It Served!

I'm Feeling Rather Odd In This Company!
You Taught Me That Jesus The Begotten
Is The Way, The Truth, And The Life
And That To Forever Leave This Campground
And Get Home To You
Jesus Must Lead Me There
This Is A
Big-Able Problem

With Certain Of The Higher-Up
Illuminated Campers!

Some Of Them See This Camp As A Country Club
And A Casino 
And Even Unto A Pleasure Ground
And A Carnival Cruise
And A Bacchanal
Tied Up In A Masquerade Ball!!!

Somehow, For Some People
This Intended Boot-Camp Serves 
No Purpose!?!
Save What They Choose To Make Of It
"You Know Who Is Here"
Constantly Stirring Up Strife!

His Wickedness, Himself
Liarman Detestable Scamp
- The Damned One -
Is Here
He Looms Large 
And Lord's It Over Everyone
As Though He Is 
  • The Big Man In Charge
  • The Man Of Every Hour
He Is Down Here Reigning In Stolen Power
Demanding That He Is To Be Called 

"Glorious Majesty!"
And Saying That He Is 
"God Of All He Surveys!"

Please Do Something!
He Is Ruining The Camp
Training-Ground Experience 
For Everybody!

Please, Dad! Send Help!
Please Send The Holy Spirit!
Please Send The Messengers Who Excel In Strength!

Isn't It Time Yet For Jesus To ... Come ...?!
I'm Sorry To Be Asking, But Dad, I'm Desperate!!

Please Help Me!
Please Save Us!
I ... We, All The Gooduns Want To Come Home!!!

I Love You With My Whole Heart,

Your Beloved, Praying, Child
Who Knows That 
Your Grace Is  
A l w a y s 
In All Ways

Please Help Us To Keep The Faith
And Shield Us From The Plague Of Presumption!
Please Help Us To Endure
So That We Do Not Make Shipwreck Of Faith!

Thanks For The Amazing Care-Package Of Blessings
That Arrived Today!
Even With Help From The Brethren
I Haven't Been Able To Open Them All!
I Am Truly Blessed!

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