
Friday, October 27, 2017

HAPPY SABBATH + PRAYER: Father, Help Me To Walk Faithfully!

I Am Glad

I Thank You, Father
For Your Being The Eternal God And Lord
To Whom I Can Come Confessing My Sin
Repenting Of My Transgressions
Against Your Holy Name!

I Am Truly Grateful

That I Can Say:

"I Beg Your Pardon, Father!"

To Be Able To Hear In My Heart
Know Of A Truth
In My Soul
The Blessing:

My Child,

You Are Forgiven! 
This, My Way, Is The Way To Life!
Go, And Sin No More!
Walk With Me, And Rest!
Be Obedient, And Be Blessed!

I Am Grateful, Lord

That You Condescend
To Give Me The Assurance Of Salvation
By Permitting Me Personal Choice

Free-Will Residence
In Your Present Kingdom Of Grace
By My Commitment And Fidelity
To The Cause Of The Lord Christ
The Blessed Hope
For A Personal Place
In The Coming Kingdom Of Glory!
Oh, How I Praise Your Name!
Thank You For The Good News Story!

Bless Me, Lord

To Do Your Will! 
Bless Me, Lord
In Your Presence To Be Still! 
Bless Me, Lord
Your Holy Spirit My Soul To Fill
So That In The Great Day
I Will Have No Unpaid-For-By-Christ Sin-Bill!

I Love You, Lord!

Accept, Please
My Humble Prayer
For I Will
Your Heavenly Home To Share!
Help Me To Walk Faithfully
Ever True
Please, Remember All The Brethren
Who Are Awaiting The Spreading Message
- Their Call To Salvation -
And Who Know Your Voice
And Will Come Out Of Sin
Walk Boldy Unto You!

Let Your Grace, Lord
Be Sufficient For Us All Today
Every Day

In Trust
In The Name Of The Beloved
The Holy Jesus
I Offer Up This Heartfelt Prayer!
Come Soon!

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