
Saturday, October 28, 2017

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Salvation ... Simply Put!

Soooo .... What Do You Say That I Need Salvation From?

Simply Put
You Need Christ's Sure Salvation
To Escape Sin's Sure Damnation!

Wait A Minute!
You're Moving A Bit Too Fast!
How Did Damnation Get In This Conversation?! 
Start From The Beginning
Talk Real Slow
And Don't Stutter!

Okay. No Problem!

You Repeatedly Tell Anybody
And Everybody
How Much You Like Nice Things
And The Things That Are Good For You!

Sure, I Do!
Only The Very Best Will Do For My Foooine Self!

In That Case
- And Because You Are So Fine ... In Your Mind
But Not In The Sight Of The Lord -
You May Want To Take A Gander
At The Living Word Aka Your King James Bible!

Money ... Burns!
Possessions ... Burn!
Unrepentant Sinners ... Burn!

Pardon Me, But
I Am NOT A Sinner!

I May Occasionally Make Truth Turn Expediency Corner 
By Frequently Indulging In A Miniscule White Lie!
I May Occasionally Avail Myself Of A Five-Finger Discount!
Everybody Does The Bed Hop! 
They're One Or Two Persons That I May Perhaps Probably 
Might Want Desire To Cause To Abruptly Exit Life! 
I May Worship My Beemer
And Even Myself In Every Store Window
And I May Be Accused Of Rampant Covetousness
I Strenuously Repeat
I Am NOT A Sinner!

You Poor, Poor, Poooor, Baby!
Upon What Have You Been Feeding Your Fine Mind?

Somehow, I Don't Think That I Care For That Tone In Your Voice!

I Stand Corrected!
Permit Me To Try Again!

Say On! 

In Bajan Parlance
You Ain't Nutten But A Greasy Pork-Mout' Sinner
Your Own Fine Words Convict You!

Don't You Know That If You Break One Of God's Commandments
You Are Guilty Of Them All
As A Result
You Surely Need The Perfect Doctor
For What Surely Ails You!

You Need Yourself, Dr. Jesus
The Great Physician
The Great I AM
The Good Shepherd
The Rock Of Ages
The Purveyor Of Peace
Who Dispenses
Rest And Relief!

When You Attend His Clinic
He Checks Your Eyes
Your Ears
Your Tongue
Your Heart
Even The Soles Of Your Feet!

He Dispenses That Medicine
That Is Cure-Fuh-All
Where Confession Is A Purgative
Repentance Is Recuperative Juice
Forgiveness Is Healing Balm
Walking In Obedience
Is The Only Way To Acquire Eternal Youth!

He Sends All Patients On An Errand
Where Mercy Is Free
Grace Is For The Way
All Who Will To Do The Will Of The Father
Get A Guaranteed Ration Of
Faith For The Day!

And ...

Best Of All
He Gives To All Comers Of His Spirit Holy
To Teach And Lead
And Guide And Chide
An Excellent Member Of His Support Staff
Named Angel Excelling-In-Strength
Is Provided To You For A Constant Companion
And A Guardian
And An Influencer To Ever Do Good!
This Must Be Understood! 

Dr. Jesus Is Gloriously Amazing!
He Is Guaranteed Always On Time!
He Is The True And Very Present Help!
As Long As You Invest Your Trust And Belief
In His Merits
If You Die The Appointed-Unto-Man Death
He Is The Almighty Power
He Will Call You Up From The Grave
On The Great And Glorious Day Of Vengeance And Redemption!
All Men Choose Which Side Of The Day Is Their Reward!

All His Patients Have Cards
Justified! Sanctified!
They Are All Signed
With The Precious Blood Of The Sacrificed Lamb!

I'll Let You In On The Secret ...

All Who Remain Faithful
Taking The Medicine As Stipulated
Doing As He Wills
- In The Day Of Appointment -
Get The New Name
White Robe
Victor's Palm
Gold Crown With Stars
Gold Harp
Eternal Life
A Home In Glory
Whatever Else He Desires To Give!

 Know This  ...

Oh, My!
That Sounds Fantastic!
But ... What Is ... All Of This ... Going To Cost ... Me?!

Simply Put ... Your Heart!
You Agree To Live For Him
So That You Will Die In Him!

Is It Going To Hurt?!


Living For Him?!

Simply Put ... Yes!

Oh, Dear!
I Do Want What He Has
But I. Don't. Like. Pain!
Oh, Dear!

If You Honor
Pray Without Ceasing
Live In Faith
Keep In And Believe The Word
The Pain Will Be A Small Matter!

Dr. Jesus Will Not Leave You Alone
Nor Forsake You!
He Is The Savior And The Redeemer
The Healer And The Sealer
He Is Always Just A Prayer Away!

Please, I Beseech You ...

Whatever You Do
Do Not Doubt!
Do Not Worry!
Ask For Wisdom!
Ask For Faith!
Ask For Grace!
Live In Hope!
Heed The Word!
Deny The Liar!
Speak The Truth!
Do Good!
Do Not Walk In The Light Of Your Own Eyes!
Be Sober!
Be Ever Vigilant!
Wholly Trust Him Solely
All Things Will Work
For Your Good!

Okay. I'll See Him!
Do I Need An Appointment To Meet With Him?!

No! Not At All!
He Is Here!

Here?! Now?!

I'll Leave You Two Alone!

Oh, Dear. Oh, Dear!
Do I Have To Call Him, Doctor
Or Can I Just Say ...

Dear Jesus ....!

Great Minds Think Alike!


Three Weeks Later ... 

Heyyyy! How Are You?! 

I Am Fine! Really, Really, Truly, Fine!

Wow! Do Tell! 

Faithful Is Our God!
Satan Is The Fraud!
Truth Is Our Shield
And Our Faith In Christ Jesus
Will Sure Salvation Yield!

Eyesight Is Great!
Spiritual Eyesight Is Glorious!
Let Us Despise Neither
And Let Us Let God Be Our Leader!
I Am Well, And I Am Praising The Eternal God!

Bless God! Bless God!

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