
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

PROFESSED PERKS: Satan's Worker Bees!

The Devil
Can Always Find Willing 
Useful Usable Hands
To Do His Dirty Work
Wherever You See
A "Happy" Congregation Of The Soon Damned
You Should Know
That Satan Has Been Handing Out
Professed Perks!

Why Do You Say Professed?!
His Buddies Think They're The Bomb!

That Sounds About Right!

Excuse Me?!

You're Excused!

Come On, Now! What Do You Mean?!

What Is A Perk?

In Its Simplest Form, A Pleasure!
A Lil' Berry That The Average Worker Bee Doesn't Get!

What Is A Bomb?!

An Explosive Device!

If A Bomb To Plain Eyesight
Looks To Be And Is
Shaped Like A Majestic Gold Crown
Tastes Like Fruit and Nut Chocolate
Smells Like A Night Rose
Feels Like Silkened Velvet
Sounds Like A Song Bird Concerto
Weighs Eight Ounces ... Half Pound
Fits In A Purse Wallet
Bears No Hint Of A Curse
What Would You Call It?!

A Nice Tasting
Good Sounding
Wonderful Feeling
Exquisitely Expensive
Light Weight
Convenient To Carry
Easy On The Eye
Alien To The Truth
Explosive Device

Apt Description!
I Like It!
What Do Bombs Do When Activated?!


And What Happens In The Vicinity?

Some Get People Killed Outright!
Some People Get Crippled!
Some People Get Blinded!
Some People Die Over Time By Degrees!

And ...

Some People Get PTSD Aka
Traumatized And
Divine Help
Some People
Trust In
Self And Boldly
Deny Christ
Still Others
- Momentarily Escaping Unscathed -
Put Stock In Satan's Putrid Power And
Trust Satan As God And
Seek Light In Darkness And
Damn God!
They To Themselves Fatally Lie!

All Told
People And Property Get Destroyed
Those Precious To God Souls 
That Cannot Be Bought Again
Are Sold As Seasoning
Acquired By The Devil As Flavoring
For The
- His -
Customized By The Eternal God
- No Return -
Lake Of Fire!

Some People Actually Believe
That They Are Working For God
By Laboring With The Devil
Luring Others To Sure Damnation!

They Have This Weird Assumption
That They're Doing God A Service!

Jesus Himself
In A Word Of Prophecy
Says Exactly That!

Satan Despises God!
God Sacrificially Loves Man!
Satan Hates Man
Satan Destroys Man
In Order To Hurt God
How Could His "Gifts"
Putrid Posies
Professed Perks
Paltry Palmings
Be Anything But
Never Fail
Primed Always To Explode

Ducks Quack!
Rabbits Thump!
Call Christ!
Get Away From The Devil!
Don't Be A Chump!

Rain Falls!
Sun Shines!
Satan Is The Liar!
Jesus Christ IS God Divine!

Love Never Loses!
Hate Never Wins!
Stories From The Devil
Will Always Have
The Technicolor Spin!

Reach Out To Jesus!
Jesus Is Reaching Out To You!
Satan Can Never Be Man's Friend
From The Eternal God
Purchase A Free-To-All Clue!

The Final Word ...

Trust In God!
The Faith Of Jesus Can't Die!
Believe In The Written Promises!
Obey The Word Of God
To The Glorious Kingdom
Will Fly!

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