
Thursday, October 5, 2017

Why Did You Do It?! + Prayers

KJV Isaiah 41
God Is With His People 10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
13 For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.

Have Mercy ... And Help Us!
Help Us To See That We Do Not
As True Believers
Walk Alone! 
Help Us To Trust You
Where We Can't 
With Our Mortal Eyes
Trace You!
Help Us To Unfailingly Love You In Faith

- To Be Saved Into Your Eternal Kingdom -
We Must!

I Have Been Painstakingly Reading The Facebook And Instagram Posts Of A Devout, Kind-Hearted, Christian ... Who Committed Suicide.

I Have Been Reading The Responses To, Tributes About, And Notes Of Regret From Ordinary Friends, School Mates, Co-Workers, Family, And Christian Friends Of A Committed, Active, Working For Christ, Praising, Believing, Trusting, Grateful For Salvation, Hopeful For Redemption Christian Who, Hours After Celebrating Faith In The Lord Christ, And Leading Out In Worship In The Sanctuary, Committed Suicide.

Not One Solitary Soul Saw It Coming.

All Hearts Are Torn And Are Sorrowing.

This Picture Makes My Blood Run Cold Because There Are Too Many Hard Questions That Need Answering ... And No Obvious ... And Soft ... Comfortable Answers Forthcoming.

This Is The Third Time, In The Last 20 Years That I Know Of A Christian Committing Suicide:


One Female, Two Males
One Married, Two Singletons
Two Teachers, One Casual Worker
One Doctor, One Master, One Learner
One Twenties, One Thirties, One Fifties
One With Children, Two Without
Two Professionally Known, One Virtual Unknown
All Believers In The Lord Christ
All Dearly Loved
Not. One. Clue. Given. ... As To What Was To Come.


  • Doubt About What Love Can Do
  • Doubt In The Love Of God
  • Doubt In The Grace Of God
  • Doubt In The Salvation Of God
  • Doubt As To Whether, Indeed, JESUS PAID IT ALL.


  • Why?
  • Where Was Faith?
  • What Is Our - Not God's - Definition Of Faith? 
  • Why Were You Leaning On Your Own Understanding?
  • Why Was Suicide The Only Option?
  • Where Was Our Jesus? 
  • Where Was The Holy Spirit? 
  • Where Was The Guardian Angel?
  • How Did Satan Pull This Off? 
  • Why Was Satan Able To Pull This Off?
  • Did You Forget To Believe?
  • Was Your Problem Bigger Than Your Faith In The Holy God?
  • Why Did You Choose To Give Up On Ever-Sufficient Grace?
  • Did You Forget, Or Momentarily Disremember, That Forgiveness For Known Sin Is Free By Confession And Repentance?
  • Did You Forget That There Is Mercy For Me (You)?
  • Did You Forget That Grace Is Bigger Than Sin?
  • Were Your Eyes So Clouded With Sorrow For And Over Self That You Willingly Chose To Close Them, And No Longer Be Able To See Christ And His Sacrifice ... Just For You?
  • Is There The Almighty God?
  • Is Almighty God Really Real To Every Man?
  • Is The Almighty God Able?
  • Is The Almighty God Capable?
  • What Is There That The Almighty God Can't Do?
  • What More Could The Almighty God Have Done?

Jesus Christ IS The Only Answer.
What Was Your Question To Him?

How Do Christ's Sacrifice, Purchased Salvation, And The Very Public Actions Of An Assumed Born-Again, Regenerated Sinner Called Christian Turned Suicide, Intersect?

What About The 6th Commandment - Thou Shalt Not Kill? Exodus 20:13

Suicide Is Self-Murder!

What Of No Murderer Getting Into Heaven?

KJV Revelation 22
15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

What Of Murderers' Only Inheritance Being The Second Death?

KJV Revelation 21
8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Is There Extenuating Circumstance That Would Permit A Suicide Into Heaven?

Does The Almighty God Change His Word To Suit Our Circumstance, Our Situation, Or
Our Sorrow?

KJV Malachi 3
6 For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.

KJV Hebrews 13
8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

Why Do We Doubt When We As Christians Have That Certain Hope?!

Why Does The Bible, The Living Word, The Word Of God, The Transcript Of God's Character Say ... Do Not Doubt?
Warns About The Result Of Doubt?

Do We Not Understand, Or Truly Believe, That Doubt Is A Gross Sin Against The Eternal God Who Gave His All, His Best, So That We May Have ALL - Absolutely Everything -
That We Could Need To Survive, To Spiritually Prosper, In This Vale Of Tears?

When, When, When Will We Start To Believe - As Does A Child - That Our Father's Arms Are Ever Safe, Ever Comforting, Always Comfortable, Always Available, Always Here?


These Are Dread Times In Which We Live.

I Shall Here Utter My Usual Refrain:

Things Are Not What They Appear To Be!

I Shall Here Beseech You:

Do Not Trust Your Carnal Eyes!
Do Not Trust Your Emotions!
Do Not Build Your House On Feelings!
Do Not Walk On The Road Called "What Will People Say!"

Do Not Buy Into The Social Media Garbage Of
Being Shamed!
Feeling Too Ashamed To Live!
Suicide Is A Cure For Life's Hurts!

Sin Is What Exposes Our Nakedness, And Causes Our Shame ... Before Almighty God!

The Living God Doesn't Shame People!
He Calls Us To Salvation!
He Shows Us The Way To Life!
He Desires Us To Drop The Dirt
Carry The Crosses Of Life
To The Christ Of Calvary's Cross
Where There Is Always Room
For One More Sinner
Who Wants To Safely Get Home
Out Of Sin's Decimating Cold!

Please Look Up
Know That
Of Our Help
Comes From The Lord
The God Of Our Salvation!

Let Us Build Our Hope
On Nothing Less Than Jesus Christ's Blood
His Righteousness!
He Paid The Price
All Our Sin To Cleanse
The Prayer Of Faith
Brings Us To His Home!
He Will Us Defend!

On Christ The Solid Rock
Please, Brethren ... STAND!
Satan Is The Carnal Liar
The Father Of Lies
His Actions Are All Grand Stand!

Satan Is A Toothless Lion!
Christ Did Him Defang
Call Him By His Real Name!
He Can't Take You
Out Of Christ's Hand!

Let Us Believe The Living Word
The Truth
The Given Light
The Way Of God
Not The Lost Goat's Twisted Word!

Let Us Love Our Lord Jesus
In Our Daily Apportioned Faith! 
Satan Will Roar!
He Can't Touch You
You Doubt The Eternal And Almighty God
With The Gross Liar Talk!

Don't Be An Eve! 

Don't Wander Away
Don't Casually Indulge
In Useless Converse
With The Wily Fraud! 
Smoke And Mirrors
Are His Camouflage
Get Out Your Hammer Called Christ!
Turn On The Water Of Life!
Call Out The Holy Spirit!
Do A Limpet
Cling To Eternal Life!

Remember ...

The Crown Of Life
Is For Those Who 
- To The End -
Carnal Strife
Clinging In Faith
To The Lord Christ!

There Is No Second Chance
No Do-Over
At Our One Human Life!

Live In Faith's Expectancy!

KJV Matthew 8
26 And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.

Every Life Will Have Storms And Rough Seas!


Finally ...

I Pray God That If I Ever Find Myself
In A Situation So Dire
That I Can't See The Way
That I Will
With My Cherished Mustard Seed Of Faith
My Hope
My Trust
My Belief
My Every Breath
Call Out
Cry Out
Curse The Devil
Bless Christ
Run To The Rock
Shelter Under The Wings
Hold The Fort
Be Influenced By Good Angels
Be Chided By The Holy Spirit
Lean On Jesus
Cast My Every Care On Him
AND RESTIn The Peace Which He Gives
- Which Passes Human Understanding -
To Awaken Refreshed
To See The Shining Sun
The Son Of Righteousness
Carry On
Walking In The Shadow Of The Cross
Praying The Promises
Looking Up To The Christ Of The Cross
So That I May Live Life In Christ Abundantly
Not In The Lying Gospel Of Carnal Prosperity!

There Is No Hope In Death!

Cliche Or Not
Reach Out To Jesus
In Faith
By Faith
For Faith

He Who Fights Sin 
From The Devil Runs Away
Will Live To Fight In Jesus Christ's Faith
Another Day!

Hold On!
Don't Let Go ... Of Christ Jesus!


Lord Of Mercy
Lord Of Grace
We, Your Children
Desire To See Your Face! 
The Battle Is Grievous!
The War Bitter!
The Strength Small!
Help Us, We Beseech You
Not To The Wiles
Whims Of The Devil
- In Surrender Of Faith - 
In Jesus' Name, Save Us
Is Our Heartfelt Plea!
We Choose To Trust You At Your Word! 

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