
Monday, November 20, 2017

Fearless And Shameless!

Hyper Critical
Sudden Lee
Knoet All
Simme Here
Were Into Everything
No Matter
The Date The Time
The Place The Matter!
They Ever Always Enjoy
A Lovely, Lovely, Natter!
... At Someone Else's Expense!

Hyper Critical
Sudden Lee
Knoet All
Simme Here
- If It Were Possible -
Would Criticize Even
The God Of Heaven
Have Even Criticized The Dead
For How In A Casket
The Undertaker Placed That's Person's Head!

Not One Single Thing
Could This Bass Soprano Alto Tenor Trio
Ever See As Good
No Matter Who It Is
That Is Doing It!

Wait A Minute!
Soprano Alto Tenor Bass -
That's A Quartet!
But You Say It Is A Trio!
How, Pray Tell
Is THAT Possible?!

Simple, My Brother!
Whenever The Music Starts
Sudden Lee Hyper Critical
Sings The Solo!

Man, You Talking Bare Ignorance!


Excuse Me?!

Silly Rabbit ...
When Sudden Lee AND Hyper Critical
Are In The Midst Of Anything
You Cannot Tell Them Apart
Because They Merrrrrge Into Each Other
Becoming One Voice
Wreak Havoc Upon Whomever
Is The Target Of Their Tender Mercies!

With Those Two
There Is No Preamble!
They Do A Join And Jump
Simme Here
Knoet All
Fill In The Chorus!

You Better Explain Yourself!

Sudden Lee
Has A Part
- An Upfront Part -
In Every Story!
Simme Here Likes To Be Seen
As Her Glorious Plumage Unfurls!
- She Is A Peahen  In Peacock Plumage - 
Knoet All Has The Pointy Stick
Hyper Critical Twirls
With His Technicolor Baton!

These Musically Inharmoniously-Jubilant Racketeers
Make Music
At The Will Of The Fraud
When They Are Done Performing
You Can Be Sure
Someone Will Feel
That They Have Been Rolling Around
In The Stomach
Of A Mangy Dog!

Kinda Graphic Don'tcha Think?!

It Is What It Is!

Look ...

I Shall Be Plain:

People Who Like To Be Seen
People Who Like To Be Heard
Have No Problem Creating Fictions
So That They May Preach
The Sermon Of The Day
People Who Know Everything
People Who Like To Be At Every Dog Fight
Have No Problem
Setting UP Somebody Anybody
For The Flavor-Of-The-Month-Dog
Out Of Them
To Take A Big, Big, Bite!

This Little Group Of Hell Hounds
Fear Not God Nor Man
If Doing You A Damage
Gets Them A Jolly
From Turning Your Life
Into Cole Slaw Cabbage
Believe It
You Are Going To Get Ravaged

One Of The Worst Things
About These Felons
Is That They Answer
Before The Question Is Asked
It Is Because Of This "Delicate Attribute"
That Many Lives Are Embittered
Unnecessary Suits Enjoined!

Problem Is
They Who Create The Problems
Are Never Around To Fix
What They Break!

You're Right!
They Take The Cake! 

They're Honest-To-Goodness Fakes!

I'm Hungry!
You Got Any Bakes?!

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