
Sunday, November 19, 2017


There Is No Such Thing As Instant Sanctification!
Sanctification Is A Work That Continues
As Long As Life Shall Last!
It Does Not Consist Of Strong Emotion
Nor Is It Proved 
- Nor Disproved -
By Whether We Laugh Or Cry!

Many Walk Around Crying:

The Lord!
The Lord Wholly Sanctified Me! 
We Walk And We Talk
And I ...
I Am Wholly Holy!

BUT ...

They Live Like Devils
Spreading A Miasma All Around
Setting On Edge The Teeth Of Those 
Trying Trying
Not To Cause God 
At Them Frown!

Why Do They Do It?!
What Are They Trying To Prove?!
Who Are They Impressing?!
Don't They Realize That They Have Much To Lose?!

Don't They Honestly Read The Good Book?
Do They Not Grasp The Word ...

Work Out Your Own Soul's Salvation
With Fear And Trembling!
Work For Night Is Coming When No Man Can Work!
Faith Without Work Is ... Dead!
Christ Is Coming To Reward Every Man According To His ... Work!
Man Is Sanctified By God's Truth!
Faith Comes By Hearing!?

The Word Of God
ISThe Word Of Truth
If The Word Of Truth In Us Works
Should Not We Cooperate With The Working Word
Via The Working Of The Holy Spirit
By Working To Change Bad Character Traits
Into Christ-Like Traits
So That He Who Started The Good Work In Us
May Finish It
In The Day Of God Almighty?!

The Narrow Way To Sure Salvation
Whosoever Will
Paved With Sweat Equity
The Bricks Of Believing Effort
The Groove Of Steadfast Faith
By Unwavering Trust
By True Repentance And Complete Confession
By Free Mercy
The Back Of Available Grace
Complete Forgiveness!

There Are No Slackers Aka Loafers
Admitted Into Heaven
- On A Free Pass -
Just Because They
- As Fools -
Thought It Too Much Work
To Much Trouble
To Lift Up The Spoon Full Of Truth 
To Their Own Mouth
To Stave Off Soul Starvation!

There Will Be None In Heaven
Who Did Not Tend The Good Seed Sown In Them
Patiently Labor
In The Wait Time
A Bountiful Harvest!

How Is
Your Sanctification
Being Worked Out?!


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