
Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Physician! Heal Thyself!

A Person Once Said To Me:

I Feel Insulted!
You Did Not Use Insulting Language
But I Know That You Insulted Me!

So ...

With That Lovely Skill In Hand
I Am Going To Valiantly Try
Not To Use Insulting Language
To Talk About That Preacher Man!


I Am A Firm Believer
In Selling 
- Sharing -
Only What I Honestly Believe
I Do Not Respect Anyone
- Farless A Bible Teacher -
Who Preaches "Truth"
Lives Acts Talks
Aka Personally 
Unashamedly Operates
Like A Jacked-Up Slithering Sleaze!


There It Is!

You Failed Already!

Ah, Well ...!

I Want To Know ...

Why Are We Permitting
"Men Of God"
To Preach The Word Of God
Also Proffer The Wood Of Man
When We Know
- Of Surety -
To What They Are Getting Up
When We See The Fruits Of Their Labor
Do Not Labor To Get Them Out?!

Preachers Are Not Rain Makers
So The Church Of God
Should Not Be Depending On Them
To Use Their Personal Popularity
To Prop Up The Church's Coffers
When They Are Called
- Some Called Themselves -
To Work To Save The Souls Of
Mothers Fathers 
Sisters And Brothers!

The Preacher Is Man!
The Christian Is Man
Is Purported To Be A True Believer In 
Christ The Lord!

The Christian Preacher
Should Under No Circumstances
Let The Man In Him
Lead The Christian In Him
To Stop Behaving 
As The True Believer In Christ The Lord
Get Up To Playing With "The Demonic Device!"

If The Preacher Man Plays With Kitty
Kitty Will Eventually Scratch The Preacher Man
The Preacher Man Should Not Cry Foul
When He Has Got Kitty Cat's Fur In His Hand!

I Hear You!

All I'm Saying To The Preacher Man Is ...

Please Do Not Utilize
The Word Of God
The Known Character Of The True Christian
To Facilitate The Use Of The Wood Of Man
To Feather Your Nest With Spent Kitty Cat Pelts
Then Cry:


When With Bare Lashes
- Caught -
You By The Seeing Public Get Pelt!

The Preacher Man Who Cannot
Control His Own Spirit
Should Never Be Telling Another Soul
How To Control Their Own
That Is Why
Only The Temperate Husband Of One Wife
Not A Striker
Not A Lover Of Filthy Lucre
Not A Lover Of Wine
Should Be The Leader
In The Church Of God!
Anybody Else
Is A Worker For The Fraud!

Truth! Truth!

"Do As I Say: Don't Do What I Do!"
Is Not Going To Pass Muster
With The Living God!

More Truth! More Truth!

We Need The Lord!
We - All Of Us -
Have Got To Do Better
If We Hope To See The Lord Christ In Peace!


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