
Tuesday, December 26, 2017

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, Plead For Me!

In The Hour Of My Trial
Lord Jesus
Plead For Me
For By My Confession And Repentance
You Have From Known Sin Set Me Free!

Keep Me From The Sin Of Presumption
From Daring God To Protect Me
When I Deliberately Walk
In Known Wrong Ways
Bless Me, Lord
With Clear Eyesight 
So That I May See Only You
Enduringly Continue In The Good Faith-Fight!

Help Me, Lord
To Walk Uprightly
Turning Neither To The Left Nor The Right
Keep Me In The Knowledge
That Walking In Your Wisdom
Brings Me Neither Sorrow Nor Blight!

Keep Me Thankful, Lord 
I Humbly Beseech You
For You Alone Do Bless
Please Bless Me To Bless You
By Telling Another The Good News
So That They 
May Reach Out To Your Waiting 
Extended Hand
By So Doing
Be Also Wonderfully Gloriously Blessed!

I Ask You To Remember The Brethren
Who Call Upon Your Name
In Hopeful Loving Trust!
Grant Them Your Grace
Protect Them
As They The Adversary Face!
Please Keep Them From Making
Shipwreck Of Living Faith!

You Are The Living God Faithful! 
You Are The Holy God True! 
You Have No Need Of Man For Conveyance
For It Is You Who Carry All Men
Be They Faithful Grateful 
Or Faithless
Deceitfully Ask Boldly
Who Are ... Why Should I Know ... You?!

Pity Us In Our Folly!
Cleanse Us From Our Shame!
Please Continue To Teach Us
The Way Of And To Life
Bless Us
To Acknowledge Our Need Of Our Savior 
So That By Your Available Mercy
Great Grace
We Will Survive The Coming Strife!

Remember Your Promise
That All Things Will Work Together
For Our Good
Because We Do Lovingly Think On
Daily Hourly
Moment By Moment
With Thanksgiving
Remember Thee!

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