
Friday, January 26, 2018

HAPPY SABBATH + Mustard Seed, Mountains And Mole Hills All Matter!

The Selfish Will To Sin
Is The Wicked Agent Of Satan
Is No Match Against
The Surrendered Will To Salvation
In The Consecrated Servant Of Christ
Because Of Very Simple Reasons:

  • Faith ... In The Finished Work Of Jesus Christ On The Cross
  • The Belief ... In The Word That What God Says He Will Do, He Will Do
  • The Trust ... That The Promises Of God Are True Because Of The Spilt Blood To All Who Will Believe
  • The Hope ... That The Faith Of - And Given By - Jesus Will By Faithful Endurance Of All Things In The Name Of Jesus Become Sight And Satisfaction For The Servant Of Jesus
  • The Sure Foundation ... Of Blessed Truth - Personally Proved - Upon Which He Stands
  • The Comfort ... Of The Peace Of God Which Passes Human Understanding
  • The Assurance ... That He Is Never Alone
  • The Known Love ... Of The Revealed King Of Love
The Unrenewed Mind
- Devoted To Self -
Is No Match For
The Revived And Reformed Soul
Devoted To The Lord Jesus Christ
Who Is The Way
The Truth
The Light
The Life Of Man!

The Difference Is Simple 
To The One Who Wills To See:

The First Sees Self
Looks Inward
The Second Sees The Lord Christ
Looks Upward!

- The Size Of The Mustard Seed -
Can Move Mountains
Cause The Hand Of Almighty God 
To Work For HIS Faithful Servant!

- The Size Of A Mole Hill -
Motivated By The Sinful Doubt Of The Faithless Heart
Causes Satan To Work Mightily 
For The Destruction Of The Soul Of
HIS Deceived Agent!

Cherished Truth
- In The Inward Parts -
Elevates The Believing Soul!

Cherished Error
- In The Inward Parts -
Decimates The Doubting Soul!

Both Souls
Are Loved By Their Creator
Only One Is The Winner
In The Upward Walk To Eternal Life!
Only One Is Seeking To Save His Own Soul!
Only One Is Making Highest Heaven
His Soul's Only Goal!

Oh, Selfish One!
Oh, Doubting One!
In The Hour Of Your Trial
Will Your "Master" Heed
Your Urgent Call?!
Will He Hold Your Trembling Hand In His "Mighty" Hand?!
Will He Comfort Your Quivering Heart In His "Constant" Heart?!
Will He Draw Your Bobbing Head To His "Steady" Shoulder
Or Will He Depart From You
Leaving You Alone
As One In The Grave ... Dead?!

Did Your Master-Not-Jesus Pay Your Bride Price?!
Did Your Master-Not-Jesus For You Make The Way?!
Did Your Master-Not-Jesus Make The Ultimate Sacrifice
Is He Even Now
Making For You
An Eternal
Heavenly Place?!

In The Coming Great Day Of God's Vengeance
In The Day Of Things Small
Will You Have Permitted
Your Run For The High Places
For The Big Things Of Pride
That Satisfy Flesh And Eye
- But Do Not Bring Everlasting Life -
To Cause You
- Unrepentant -
To Lose Out On Gaining
Eternal Life
With Our Savior
Jesus Christ The Lord
With Whom You Refused To Walk
In Accord?!


The Day Is Soon Spent
The Summer Is Almost Ended
So, Please
Let It Not Be Your Lot To Say:

Alas, We Are Not Saved!

Now Is The Appointed Time!
Now ... Is The Day Of Your Salvation!
Your Sins Are On You As Scarlet
Jesus Christ Can Make You Clean
White ... As Snow!

Your Known Sins May Also Be Red Like Crimson
Jesus Christ 
Can Make You As Wool
By His Father To Be Seen!

I Beseech You ...

Please Do Not Let That Wicked One
Who Can Never, Ever, Go Back Home
Stop You From Returning There
Eternal Rest
By Reason Of You Neglecting
To Use Faith
To Use The Call-Home Prayer-Phone!

Oh, Thou Child Of The Dust
Give Unto Christ Jesus
Your Selfish Pride
Your Carnal Lust!
Give Him All Today
There Is No Other Way
To Come To The Father
By Said Christ Jesus
Is The Only Way There
Made Perfectly Clear!

Ye Who Are Weary Of
The Life Of Sin And Doubt
Come Home To The Lord Jesus
In Glorious Celebration
Sing And Shout:

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow!

Hallelujah To The Lamb
Upon Whom I Do
My Sins Willingly Throw!

At Last!
I Am ... HOME!!

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