
Thursday, January 25, 2018

PRAYER: Lord, Please Haste The Glad Day!

I Cannot Help But Love You!
You Are To Me The God Holy Faithful Ever True!
You Are My Hope
My Blessing
I Want To Live Forever With You!

I Am But A Child
So Please Teach Me
To Walk In the Way Called Truth
Please Bless Me With Wisdom's Understanding
So That I Will Be A Blessing To Others
Old And Youth!

The Ways Of The World Are Most Distressing
Even Though They Are Held Up As So Much Fun
Great Play
But I Don't Find It All Amusing
I Beseech You
To Help Me Keep It That Way!

Often, Lord
I See A Wandering Brother
Caught In The Straight Betwixt Two
My Heart Goes Out To Them, Father
Because I Know For Sure
That They Are Looking For You!

Bless Me, Lord
With A Blessed Though
Bringing To Promised Remembrance
The Living Word Of Hope Help Healing
That I Have Read And Heard
So That I May Share
With The Longing Soul Caught
In The Wild Goat Herd!

Satan Is, Indeed, Raging
Doing His Dread Work
Enticing The Unwary
To Ultimately Do Upon Them
His Destroying Work
I Beg You
I Beseech You
In Jesus Christ's Name
To Make Me An Instrument
For Your Blessed Kingdom
To Point The Way To Salvation
So That Your Holy Spirit
Will Get Another Soul Away
From That Lying One Who Profanes
The Holy Name!

Remember Us, Lord, In Mercy!
Pour Out Upon Us Your Grace
Bless Us With Spiritual Ears
To Hear The Holy Spirit Calling Our Name!

Bless Us Also With Hearts Of Flesh
For The Lord Christ To Enter In
Sit Down To Sup With Us
As We In Joy
Sup With Him!

Help Us To Ask In Faith For The Outpouring
The Indwelling Of The Holy Spirit
Help Us Not To Fall, Dear Lord
To The Belief
That Living Faith Has No Work In It!

Teach Us Your Way
Help Us To Walk In It!
Lead Us To Green Pasture
With Living Water Running Through It! 

Anoint Our Heads With Oil
Let Our Cup Of Blessing Overflow
Keep Us Until The Great Day
When Our Redeemer
We Shall Face To Face Know!

Bless You, Lord
We Love You!
Bless You, Lord
We Give You All Adoration And Praise!
Bless You, Lord
For Our Souls' Salvation!
Please Haste The Glad Day
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
We Offer Up Our Worship And Our Humble Prayers!

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