
Friday, January 12, 2018

HAPPY SABBATH + A Peculiar Treasure!

The Only Being That Has To Love You
Jesus Christ
Doesn't "Have" To Love You!
HE Created You
... To Death!

Jesus Christ's Love Does Not Fail!
His Heart Cannot Turn Cold
His Desire For Your Heart Does Not Wane
He Loves Your Very Soul!

Your Breath Is From His Breath Of Life!
Without His Life
We Will Have None!
Without His Watch-Care
His Heart Longing 
For The Salvation Of Fallen Man
We Could Not
Would Not Exist!
Not One Single Man!

But I Want Everybody To Love ME!
I Need To Feel Special!
This Would Make Everything In My Life Just Right
Everybody Will Find Me A Perfect Delight!

Wait A Minute!
What Did You Say Your Name Is?!

Athing O'Beauty!

Pleased to Make Your Acquaintance!

And What's Your Name?!

Apeculiar Treasure!

That's A Pretty Name
BUT ...

... Here It Comes ...!

... You're Rather Plain Looking!
There's Nothing To Recommend You!
You Need To Fix Yourself Up!
You Know ... Get Modern
Get A Couple Tattoos
A Nose Ring Or Two
Expose Some Skin ...!

How Does All That Make YOU Beautiful?!

... And Lose That Ugly Clunky Purse In Your Hand!

It's Not A Purse!
It's My Bible!

How Precious!
Are You One Of Those, Err, Ahhhm,
Bible Thumping Holy Rolling Jesus Freaks?!

If By That Rather Flamboyant Description
You Mean To Ask If I Am A Bible-Believing Christian
Then The Answer Is A Resounding "Yes!"

How Special!

It Is, Isn't It?!

Oh, No!
You Mis-take Me!
I Think You Are Rather Silly
- Stupid, Actually -
To Believe In A Sky-God!

Grant Us You Grace, Lord
Your Mercy
That Ever Always Our Soul Pays!

What Did You Say That For?!
There Is No God But Me!

Oh, My! 

Father, Most Faithful

I Love Honor Trust

Obey And Worship You
I Sincerely Pray For The Unbeliever
Who Does Not Know
The Living God True 

Who Daily Takes Of Your Bounty
But Does Not Choose
By Thought Word And Deed
To Humble Self Before You!

Humble Myself?!
I Humble Myself Before No Man!

Oh, Boy!
What An Opportunity!

The Living God Is Not A Man
For He Does Not
Cannot Lie!
The Living God
Is Faithful Just Loving
He ... Moment By Moment
Loving Takes Personal Care Of You ...!

... Personal Care?!
You Did Say Personal Care, Didn't You?!


I Like ... I Looove Personal Care ...
Oooo ... All That Pampering
Massaging My Skin ...!

He Remakes You As A New Creation!

... Massaging My Forehead ...!

He Renews Your Mind!

... Oooh ... That Silky, Smoooth, Massage Oil ...!

He Pours Into You The Heavenly Oil Of God's Holy Spirit!

... Those Gorgeously Plush Robes ...
... Those Nimbly Deft Attendants ...

He Gives The Personal Robe Of His Righteousness
Brilliantly White And Clean
He Provides Holy Angels Excelling In Strength!
They're Wonderful Influencers ...!

... Wait A Darn Minute!
Why Am I Now Hearing About These Influencers?!
I Like Influencers!
They Always Know Where To Get All The Good Stuff!
I Must Meet These Influencers ...!

Hmmm ...
I Don't Mean To Appear Greedy
Or Even Covetous, But ...!

I Must Not Yield To Temptation!
I MUST NOT YIELD To Temptation!
I Will Not Yield To Temptation!

But, What?!

Is He Rich?!

What, Exactly, Do You Mean By Rich?!

Wellll ... You Know ...!

No, I Don't Know!
Please Speak Your Mind!

Can He, Uh, Ahh ... Afford ... Me?!
Will He Take Good Care Of Me?!

Wellll, ... That Depends!!

On What?!

That Depends On
How Long YOU Desire Him
To Take Care Of You!

I Am ... Ahh ... At A Loose End Right Now
But ... I Am Looking
For A ... A ...!

... Permanent Arrangement?!

Yes! Yes!
I Want ... I Desire ...!
I Desire A Permanent Arrangement ...!

I Can't Help You With THAT
If You Desire A Life-Giving Relationship
New Name
Everlasting Honeymoon
Flights To Worlds Unknown By Mere Men
Gold Crown
Gold Harp
Custom-Built Mansion
In A City Built On A Foundation Of Twelve Jewels
Where There Is No Night
Where The Gates Are Of Pearl
Glass Sea Not Glass Slipper
The Tree Of Life
That Bears Twelve Different Fruits
The River That Carries The Water Of Life
Best Of All
The Hand Of The Life Giver
The Life Of The Life Giver
Eternal Life
Immortality ...!


Yes! Immortality!
In The Land Where No One Ever Dies!
No One Ever Cries!
No One Ever Mourns!
Where True Beauty Is That That Fades Not!
Where All Is Love ...!

... I Love Love!
I Need Love!
Will He Truly Love Me, For Me!

He Loves You For Himself!
He Desires To Save You
He Will Make You
A Peculiar Treasure ...!

But, But, But
That's Your Name!?!

It Can Also Be Yours!

You Know What?!


I Like You!
You Are Not At All Plain!
You Are Perfectly Beautiful
For It Is Not Skin Deep!

Thank Jesus!

Who Is This Jesus?!

I'm Glad You Asked ...!

Jesus The Christ
The Son Of God
The Son Of Man
The Savior Of The World
The God Of Heaven
Who Is Seated
At His Father's Right Hand
Making Intercession
For Those Who Take His Right Hand
And Choose Freely
To Make Their Permanent Home
With Him
On Heaven's Table Land
Lord Of All!
He Is Blessing!
He Is Peace!
He Is Rest!
Because Of The Grace Of God
God's Free Mercy
He Gives Forgiveness
To Any And All
- Whosoever Will -
Who Will Call On His Name
Take Him At His Holy Word
Accept His Blood-Bought Salvation!

Can I Meet Him?!
Right Now?!

Sure, You Can!

Call Upon His Name
He Will Answer You
Show You Great And Mighty Things
About Which You Know Nothing!

I'd Like That ... A Lot!


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