
Saturday, January 13, 2018

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: God's Truth Uplifts Us + PRAYER: Lord, Help Us To Look Beyond ...!

Almighty God's Grace Blesses!
Almighty God's Mercy Saves
Almighty God's Truth Uplifts Us
Removing Us From 
A Life Of Being Sin's Slaves!

Almighty God's Love Encircles!
Almighty God's Faith Gives Our Hearts Rest
Almighty God's Holy Spirit Comforts Us
Giving Us Strength To Do Our Best!


Oh, Lord
Help Us Not To Despise
Our Bountiful Blessings! 
Help Us Not To Turn Aside
To Things False! 
Help Us To Look Up
To See Beyond
The Kinds Of Things
Over Which The Carnal Mind Fawns!
Help Us Your Holy Name To Exalt!

Please, Lord
Heal Our Minds
Our Bodies
Our Spirits
Bless Us To Do All
According To Your Will! 

Help Us, Lord
For We Cannot Help Ourselves
Even Though We, Bold
Treat You, Living God Holy
Like The Useless Manmade Figurine
On The Dust-Catcher Display Shelf!

Pity Us, Lord
For You Alone Are Able!
Be Merciful, Lord
For You Alone, Save
And, Please
Let Your Grace Grant Unto Us
One More Opportunity
To Accept
To Bravely Take Secure Hold Of
Your Free Offer Of Sure Salvation
So That In The Fullness Of Time
We May Walk On Zion's Streets
Of Everlasting Gold!

We Love You, Lord!
Please Hear Our Prayer
Do For Us
What None But The Holy God
Can Do!
In Jesus Christ's Matchless Name 
We Pray This Prayer Of Faith
With Humble Hearts Plead
For It Is On That Living Word
On Which We Daily Feed! 

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