
Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Muscle Memory + PRAYER: I Give You, Lord, My Deceitful Heart!

I Had Lost My Way!

I Applied My Tongue To Cussing
I Became A Curse Bird!

I Applied My Eye To Spying
Became a Tatler:

Would You Like To Hear A Lil' Word?!

I Ran Around
Getting Into Other Men's Matter
Enjoying The Appellation
"Tha' Is De Expert!"

When The Tables Were Turned On Me
I Ran And Sat Down Righteously
In The Front Pew Of De People Church!

As Is To Be Expected ...

Good Behavior In Me
Di'n Long Last
For Soon
I Was In De Know
In Evahbody Bidness

There Was Bacchanal
For My Flighty Fiery Tongue
Through The Good Offices Of My Eye
Led To A Sold Out Show!

I Had Pledged To Reform!
By Cold Turkey, I Had Quit
Things In De People Church
Had Been Too Delicious
Before Old Tom ... Cat
Could Lick He Split Ear
I Was In Foremost Lady Cora House
Hauled Up In She Easy Chair!
She Is Such A Dear!

Truth Be Told ...

Things Did Not Work Out
As I Assumed They Should
Cora Was Not Called The Foremost Lady For Nothing
I Was Taught a Lesson
That I Will Never Forget
When She Turned The Rough-Table 'Pon Me:

  • Do Unto Others
  • Think Before You Speak
  • Give And It Will Come Back To You Just Not In The Way You Expect 
  • Plant Indian Corn: Guinea Corn You Will Not Reap, And
  • Preach The Gospel But Not Through Lying Teeth
  • What One Practices Is What One Performs
  • When One Walks In Broken Shoes One Will Get Corns

Lady Cora Is An Old School Teacher
Her Lecture Was ... Well
You Judge:

When One Practices Folly
Foolish Is What One Becomes
Giving The Red R A G In Your Mouth Gossiping Muscles
Marks One As Just Plain Dumb!

Foolish Gossip Is Double Jeopardy!
Living As A Bone Carrier
Is Simply Foolhardy!
You've Got A Fat Tongue
A Permanent Squint In Your Eye
Your Heart Is Just Plain Rotten!
Don't You Know That Gossipers 
To Almighty God's Heaven Won't Fly?!

After That Oh, So, Calmly Delivered Tongue-Lashing
You Should Have Heard My 


Dear Lord, 
I Retire From
Repent My Participation In
The Gossip Game
I Willingly Give To You
My Deceitful Heart
My Itchy Ears
My Lying Eyes
My Seared Conscience
My Fiery Tongue
Beseech You
In The Name Of The Holy Jesus
To Keep My Feet
On The Path Of Peace

Off Of Satan's Oiled Easy Street!

Help Me, Please
To Mind My Own Business
- The Business Of The Living God
Jesus Christ's Soon Return -
So That
In The Great Day Of Vengeance
- Saved As One Enduringly Faithful
By Your Now Available Grace -
I Shall Ascend To The Great Reward!
I Love You, Lord!
Remember Me!

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