
Thursday, January 18, 2018

PRAYER: I Surrender All, Lord!

By Faith, Dear Jesus
I Claim You
I Make You Wholly Mine
Even Though I'm Human
Thou Art Divine!

The Spirit Of God Called Me
And I
Free-Willed Said "Yes!"
To The Heavenly Father
In Your Blessed Name
My Known Sin
I - Convicted -
Now Confess!

Oh, Father To The Faithful!
Eternal God On Heaven's Throne
I Come To You Humbled
I Do Not Come Alone!

My Jesus!
My Savior!
Your Beloved Son
The Sinless Spotless Lamb
Is My Only Mediator

My Name Is Written
On His Marred But Ever Holy Hand!

Jesus, Savior
Please Plead For Me
Without Your Intercession
I'm Just A Dead 
Totally Lost 
Cast Out
Condemned Damned Member 
The Clan Humanity!

I'm Confessing!
I'm Repenting!
I'm From Sinning Turned Away!
Jesus Christ Is My Shepherd
By Your Holy Spirit
I Will Follow Him Everywhere!

My Heart In Me Is Broken!
My Spirit Is Wholly Contrite!
Do Not Despise Me, Lord God
I'm Trusting In The Promises

In The Good Book Detailed!

Help Me, Dear Jesus!
Help Me Fight
For Victory Over Sin

To Stand Up In Lively Faith
To Hope Strong For The Ideal
Purchased For Me
On Mount Calvary!

This Is My Soul's Desire!
Help Me Or I Will Fail!

I Have Been Foolish!
I Admit It! 
I Walked With Willfully Blind Eyes

I Paid Dearly For It!
Often With Regret
I Cried!

But, Now, Father
I See And Know My Need

It Is As The Holy Spirit Shows!

Please, I Beseech Thee
In Jesus Christ's Name
Do Not From Me
Take Your Gentle Spirit Away!

I Have No Other God!
I Have No Other Friend!
I Have No Other Home!
Lord Jesus, I Beseech You! 
Defend! Defend!

Without I Am Alone!

Please Do Not Let Me Become A Soul
From Eternal Life Turned Away!

Make Me A New Heart
A New Mind
A Willing Spirit
Make The Way Plain For Me
Send The Guardian
To Help Me Walk In The Truth
Steadily Firmly Faithfully Upon It!

I Give You My Life, Lord!
Use Me! 
I Am Willing! 
Bless Me And Equip Me To Serve You!
Here's My Heart! 
Please Fill It!

By Your Sweet Spirit
I Have Decided To Follow My Jesus!

Lord Jesus,
Where You Lead Me
I Will Follow!

Oh, God Of Glory
Pour Out Of Your Holy Spirit
Upon This Sinful Flesh
For I Need The Infilling!
I Desire The Cleansing!
I Desire To See Him In Peace
Who Purchased For Me
Of Holy Heaven
A Perfect Piece!

I Love You, My God!
Grant Unto Me In This Hour
Your Blessing Of Sin Relief
Your Blessing Of Perfect Peace
Your Daily Grace That Is Sufficient For Me
Your Mercy That Is Ever Free 
Eternity To Come
A Tiny Taste!
I Worship You
Holy Spirit!

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