
Thursday, February 8, 2018

HOLD ON TO JESUS CHRIST: Conversation For Two!

Myra Major
Myrna Minor
Had A Conversation
Every Day
At The Same Time
Rain Or Shine
Hot Or Cold
Sick Or Well
Happy Or Sad
In Plenty Or In Need
In Company Or Alone
They Talked On Their Cellular Phones!

In Their Eyes
It Served A Blessed Purpose:

It Helped To Cheer A Pilgrim
In Their Walk On The Lonesome Way
They Believed That In A Little While
We Were All
- The Faithful Few, That Is -
Going Home
An Uplift For The Spirit Which Is Just The Thing!

They Never Said "Hello!"
- Too Pedestrian!
Their Conversations Never Lasted Five Minutes!
- Get In! Get Out! Move On!
They Never Indulged In That
"Too Blessed To Be Stressed!" Nonsense!
- Stress Makes One Seek Out God!

They Had Developed A Seeming Shorthand
That Speaks Volumes!
Have Yourself A Gander!


God Is Light!
No Darkness At All!

God Is Truth!T
rust Him: You Can't Fall!

God Gives Grace!
His Grace Is Greater Than Our Sin!

God Loves The Sinner!
He Hates The Sinner's Sin!

Jesus Christ Sets Free!
In Him, I'm Free Indeed!

Jesus Christ IS The Great Physician!
He'll Heal My Sin-Sick Soul, I Must Reveal!

Jesus Christ IS The Only Way To Heaven!
Heaven Is My Soul's Only Goal!

Jesus Christ Paid It All!
My Sins Racked Up The Bill!

Jesus Christ To You Is Calling! 
My Faith In Him Is Answering!

The Holy Spirit Gives Us Wisdom!
Understanding To Use The Knowledge Is Not Lacking!

The Holy Spirit Guides And Chides! 
I Am Blessed When In Him I Abide And Confide!

God Is Faithful!
Jesus Saves!

Jesus Christ IS Pleading With And For Us!
The Holy Spirit Leads Us Into All Truth!

Holy Angels Watch Over Us!
Holy Angels Influence Us To Do The Right And The Good!

Do Good! 
Live Right!

Trust God! 
Sleep In Peace At Night!

Love In Hope!
Hope In The God Of Love!

I Pray For God's Mercy! 
Let Us Walk In Jesus Christ Today!

I Pray God's Grace Will Bless Us To Fly Through The Sky! 
Must Remain Faithful Until We Die!

The Lord Christ Reigns! 
In The Great Day He Rules!

Today ... When It Comes!

Same Time?!
No Other Time Will Suffice For This Play!

I Pray God Your Footsteps Do Not Slip!
Jesus Christ Is Walking With Me On The Trip!

Hold On! 
Don't Let Go!


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