
Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Time! Time! Do YOU Have Time!

A Soul Without Jesus
Is A Soul Alone
A Soul Wondering
Twice Dead
Eternally Lost ...!

... Man, You Could Suck The Joy Out Of June Plum Juice!
WHO Invited THIS Party Pooper
To MY Celebration?!

Look, I Do Not Have Time For You
Nor Your Jesus
And I Surely Do Not Have Time
To Think About Eternity!
I Barely Have Time To Think About Today!

Do You Have Time To Think?!

Sure, I Do!
I'm Thinking Of How I Can Get Rich ... Quick
And I'm Thinking Right Now 
About How To Get Rid Of You ... Quick!

Do You Think To Pray?!

Who Has Time To Pray?!
Too Much Effort Required!
No Quick Nor Positive Answers Returned!

Do You Have Time To Play?!

A Man Has Got To Get His Play On!!
I Always, And I Mean ALWAYS
Can Find Time To Play!!
After All, All Work And No Play
Makes This Sammy A Very Dull Boy!

Just Then
In Walks Main Man Mason ...

Hey, Sammy?!
How About That Game?!
Awesome, Wasn't It?!

Ace, Mase!
I Was Praying, Even Pleading, For That Win?!

Ahem ...!


Didn't You Say Not Even A Good Minute Ago
That You Don't Have Time ... To Pray
Because ... It Takes Too Much Effort?!
How Come You Could Find Time
To Pray For A Win In A Ball Game?!

Priorities, My Man!

Wait! Let Me Get This Right!
You Can Pray
Find Time To Pray
Expend Effort To Pray
Over A No Profit Ball Game
And Not Your Own Soul?!

What About It?!

Is A Game More Valuable Than Your Soul?!

Look, I Can See The Game!
I Can't See A Soul!
I Can See The Profit In A Game!
I Can't See The Profit In A Soul ...!

You're A Regulation Idiot!

Don't Say That To Him!
This IS Serious!

Sammy, Jesus Christ Is Our Creator!
He Breathed The Breath Of Life
Into Man's Nostrils
Man Became A Living Soul!
You Are Alive Because Of
In Christ
You Are Nothing Without Jesus Christ!

You Are Everything
In AND With Jesus Christ!

- Our Beloved Jesus -
Made The Ultimate Sacrifice
Paid A Bitter Price
To Purchase You A Berth In His Eternity
It Is Time My Brother
For You To Think Of Him
With Sincerity!

Why Should I?!
I'm Living Now
Because I Don't Have Tomorrow Put Down
Or On Lay-Away!

Ahhh, But You Can
You Do
You Should!

What Rubbish Are You Talking Now?!
If I Can See It
Touch It
Taste It
Hear It
Smell It
Feel it
IT Exists!
Anything Else "Out There"
Is Of No Importance To Me!

Spiritual Things Are Spiritually Discerned!

And Don't Forget The Next Verse Which Asks:

Sammy, You May Want To Tread Lightly
In This Issue
And Humble Yourself
And Ask The Very Same Jesus
To Give You Light!

I Love You
And I Do Not Want You
To Be Among The Unwarned
And The Unsaved
Because I Did Not Tell You Truth!

Please Don't "Sell" Your Soul
For Beans In A Bowl
When You Can
By And With Jesus
Walk Forever
On Streets Of Gold!

Don't Settle For Expensive Champagne
When You May Have Priceless Water
From The River Of The Water Of Life!

Don't Settle For A Rotting Man's Fickle Fading Fashion Garment
When You Can Have An Eternal Robe Of
Christ's Righteousness
Made Of Linen White And Clean
Don't Settle For An Earthly Crown Of Destructible Gold
When You May Have A Crown Of 
Heaven's Imperishable Gold 
Complete With Stars!

Wouldn't You Love To Fly
From Planet To Planet?!

I Can't Afford The Price Of The Ticket!

You Wouldn't Need A Ticket
If You Have Jesus In Your Life!

You'd Fly Free
On Angel's Wings
To World's Not Known To Mortal Men!

You Will Attend
The School Of God
You Shall Converse With Brethren
Who Did Not Fall For The Sophistries Of
Satan The Fraud
Who Wanted To Ride The Back Road
To God's Glory
And, Instead
Caused Jesus To Die For You And Me

Take Heed, Sammy
Love Yourself Enough
To Hear The Living Word!
Take Heed
Love Yourself Enough
To Let God's Desire
In And For Your Life
Be Constant
Willingly Heard!

Sammy, I'm Sorry For Calling You An Idiot!

Your Apology Is Not Accepted!

But Why Not!?!
It Is Sincerely Offered!

You Called Me A Regulation Idiot!

I'm Begging Your Pardon!




We Still Have A Problem To Deal With! 

Take Note Of This Please ...

Jesus Christ, Himself

If We Despise The Great God
His Great Offer Of Free Salvation
Bought And Paid For
With Innocent Blood
All That Is Left For Us
Is The Fiery Indignation!

Nobody Said Anything To Me About Fire?!

You Should Be Indignant!

Fire And Brimstone
In A Lake
And Eternal Separation From God!
Not A Good Place!
You DON'T Want To Go There!

So, Tell Me About The Good Place, Then!

My Pleasure!

Jesus Said To His Disciples:

I Go To Prepare A Place For You!
In My Father's House Are Many Mansions! 
You Shall Inherit All Things!
Come Unto Me And Rest!

I Like Where This Is Going!

You're Going To Love The Lord Jesus Christ
Who Is Going To Take You There!
He Is The King ... Of Love!
The Shepherd
Who Is The Savior
Our Friend ...!

... The Faithful, Forever Friend!

I Want To Know This Jesus!
Tell Me About Him?!

Do Have Time?!

I Pray So!

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