
Monday, February 12, 2018

Jesus Christ Is Peace Is Sin Relief!!

Just Say Something, Anything!
Just Talk To Me!!

Are YOU Well?!
Are You Beholding The Beauty Of The Earth?!
Are You At Peace With God?!

Are You Walking?!
Are You Faithful?!
Is Jesus Christ Your Captain
The Giver Of Your Peace?!

Are Your Working?!
I Pray You're No Longer Wondering!
Is The Holy Spirit Your Guide
The Comforter That Delivers Your Necessary
Your Much Needed Peace?!
The Great One In Whom You Confide?!

Are You Watching ...?!

... Watching What?!

Are You Watching The Signs Of The Times
That Show That Men's Hearts
Are Waxed Gross
And Seriously Grown Cold
And Love Self
And Love Gain
And Refuse To Accept
That There Is The Living God
The Rock Of Our Salvation
- When The Investigative Judgment Is Complete -
Is Coming To Earth Again
To Give Satan
Sin Sinners
The Cold Grave
Their Written-With-Blood
Can't Be Undone


Is That All You Have To Say?!


What's Going On With You?!

I Don't Know
I Just Feel ... Down ...

... Why Art Thou Cast Down
Oh, My Soul?!
Why Are You Dispirited Within?

Good Question To Your Soul!

Let Me Ask Another Question:
Are You Hoping In God?!

Sometimes I Cry ...!
Look Around ...
Bad Behavior ... REWARDED!
Dishonesty ... REWARDED!
Murder And Mayhem ... REWARDED!
Wilful Disobedience ... REWARDED!

Everything Good Is Bad
No Rewarded Person Has Truth
In Their Inward Parts ...!

... Who For A Human Lives With A Corpse For A Year?!
Who Rapes Their Dying Friend?!
Who Puts A Child In A Hot Oven?!
Who Uses Human Parts As Garden Fertilizer?!

... Who Hates Jesus So Much
That They Will Partner With Satan
To Tell The Man Seeking Salvation
That The "Disinterested Sky God"
Is On Permanent Vacation
Visiting His Co-God Relations
In Deep Space Stations?!

Sigh ...

Wake Up!

I Am Awake
And I Fear
That Mankind Is Really Truly Unraveling
Between Truth And A Dare
And Those Charged
With Stewardship
Of Man's Spiritual Upkeep
Are Looking To That Man
Their Personal Coffers
To Keep!

I Know What You Mean!
Now ... I Want To Sigh!
I Want To Cry
At The Abominations In The Land ...!

... Oh, Dear!
I Just Remembered
The Men With The Slaughtering Weapons
The One With The Writer's Inkhorn
The Decree:

Mark Those Who Sigh And Cry!
Spare Not!
Let Judgment Begin At God's Sanctuary!

Oh, Lord, In Zion
Help Us!

The Paid Truth-Speakers Prophesy Deceit
Selling Sweet Milk
And Nimbly Tickling
Wiggling Ears
Confidently Telling The Congregation:

Peace! Peace! Peace!
Be Ye Still!

We Are Blessed Of The Living God!
There Is Nothing To Fear!

Even As Satan
- Pleasuring Himself -
Cheers! Cheers! Cheers!

Hold On ...

Keep Your Faith In Jesus Christ!
God Will Help Us
We Must Constant Pray!
We Must Get Back To The Good Book
And Study
And Not Just Use It As 
A Look-Book!

I Believe You!

I Love You
And For This
I Am Beseeching You
Please Do Not Let Any Created Being
Steal Your Joy!

Stay The Course!
Trust The Master!
ANDDon't Do The Convenient Thing
Even If It's Lawful
And You Won't
In The Lake Of Fire
Of Damnation
Get A Craw Full!

Oh, My! 
My Mind Took The Picture!
You Made Me Laugh!

Trust Jesus Christ
The True One
With The Shepherd's Staff!

I Can Hear The Savior Calling!

Let's Go With Him ...!

... All The Way!

What A Friend We Have In Jesus
Our Sins Griefs Sorrows Burden
He, Able
I Deem It A Privilege
A Blessing
For My Peace
That I Can Take All That Concerns Me
To Him
In Prayer!

Sweet Hour Of Prayer!
Sweet Hour Of Prayer!
I Am Called Away
From The World Of Sin
Where I Physically Walk On
To That Dear Place
Where Rest Is Peace
And Hope Has Wings
And My Joy Found In Jesus Is Sweet Relief!

How Are You Feeling Now?!

Borne Aloft!
Safe ...

... In The Arms Of Jesus!

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