
Sunday, February 11, 2018

The Prayer-Hearing God Answers ... Prayers!

I Serve A Prayer-Hearing
Prayer-Answering God!
I Praise The All-Seeing
Ever-Present God
- Not That Known Fraud!

I Honor The Mighty God
The Creator Of Heaven And Earth
The Sovereign King
I Present Myself Before Him
Because He Is My Everything!

I Love You, Lord
For You Are True!
You Say As You Will
You Do That Which Is Right And Best
For Mankind
Be He Faithful Unfaithful
Good Evil
Kind Unkind
Believer Or Doubter
Or Faithless And Clueless, Too!

I Bow Before You In Worship, Lord!
I Sing Your Power As Praise!
I Bless You For You Are The Holy God
I Accept Your Blessing On My Life
Giving Me Length Of Days!

How Can I Despise Your Great Salvation?
How Can I Deny Your Great Grace?
How Can I Reject Your Unfailing Mercy
And Still Call Myself A Believer
And Not End Up In Damnation's Conflagratory Blaze?

By Your Word
I Will Answer My Own Questions:

I Can't Despise Your Bounty And Be Blessed!
I Can't Despise Your Grace And Get Gifts!
I Can't Despise The Merciful Power
By Whose  Breath I Live
And, So
Dear Lord
Thou Blessing Faithful God

I Take My Stand With The Righteous
And I Shall Mourn And Cry
For The Abominations In The Land!

I Shall Bow My Head
Break My Stony Heart
Bend My Knee
Wash My Sick Of Sin Eyes
Permit My Ears To Be Unstopped
Shop In Heaven's Storehouse
For A New Man Like Unto My Lord Christ
Call For And Accept The Leading
The Direction
The Correction
The Teaching Of
Your Holy Spirit
Accept The Influence And Protection Of Your Holy Angels
I Shall Worship
Place My All On The Altar Of Sacrifice
I Shall Declare:

The Lord Is My Shepherd!
I Have Everything That I Need!
The Lord Is My Rock!
My Soul Is Anchored!
Faith Is My Steed!
The Lord Is My Strong Tower!
The Stone I Stand On Cannot Fall!
The Lord Is My Shield
That That Satan Cannot To Me Pass Beyond!
I Shall Not Live On The I-Feels!

I Come!
Clean Me!
Make Me To You As One Holy!
Render Me As One Undefiled!

Bless Me, I Beseech You!
To You, My Stubborn Will I Humbly Give!
To You, My Way I Surrender!
To You, My Life I Give!

Oh, Lord
Your Word Is My Light!
You Are My Salvation!
You Are Food, Shelter, Rest!
You Are Peace, Comfort!
I Am The One Blessed!

Jesus Christ Is My Captain
My Ship
My Sea
My Wind
My Current
My Eyes That The Real World I May See!

Mold Me, Lord
Break Me
Make Me After Your Sovereign Will
I, Here, Now, Am Waiting
I Yield!
In Your Presence
I Am Still!

I Love You, Lord
You Are My Portion
You Loved Me First
And So
I Ask All My Blessings
And Give Utterance To All My Prayers
And My Praise
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name!

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