
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Evil Heart Of Unbelief!

Almighty God Can Do Anything!

No, He Can't!

What Kind Of Christian Are You?!
How Can You Say That?!
Why Would You Say Such A Horrible Thing ...?!

... Because It Is THE Truth!

Almighty God Can't Lie - That's The Devil's Domain
The Almighty Cannot
Will NOT
Force A Human
  • To Come To Faith
  • To Believe The Word Of Truth
  • To Trust In The Merits Of The Lord Christ Unto The Saving Of That Person's Own Soul!
Force Is For Machines!

Faith Is For Flesh!

Look At It This Way ...

According To The Word Of Truth
He Who Comes To God
MUST Believe That He Is ...!

To Believe, One Must Have Faith
Faith Works
Faith Without Its Corresponding Action
That Is, Its Corresponding Acting Upon That Belief
Is Dead!
Its Purveyor
Its Utilizer
Will Never Enter Heaven's Gate!

Now, Think About This ...

Those Persons Who Lived In Nazareth
Did Not Greatly Benefit
From The Miracle-Working Jesus



Man Must Believe That The Living God
Rewards Those Who Diligently Seek Him!

Naenee Cheeks
We've Have Got To Stop Doing This!
I'm Now Telling You This For The Forty-Eleventh Time:

Having 99.99% Faith IN Christ Jesus
Doubting Him
Disbelieving His Word
Denying His Power
Distrusting His Integrity
Waffling Over His Ability
To Save You ... PERSONALLY
From The Consequences Of
Your Own Personal Sin

That's So Unfair!

How So, Pray Tell?!

Oh, Brother!

I've Got To Hear This One!

Okay! Go Ahead!

Well, It Is Like This ...
I Started Out With 100% Doubt
And I Have Arrived At 99% Faith And Belief!
I've Worked Hard At This
And I Should Get Credit For My Personal Effort!

Oops! There It Is!

Whaaat!?! Whaaat!?!

Before I Answer You
Answer Me This:

If Your Being Born
Depended Upon
Your Mommy Having 100% Faith
In Your Desire To Be Born On, Oh, Let's Say
April 1st, 1910 ... A Thursday
- Not A Saturday -
At 2:34:56 a.m.
And Not 6:54:32 p.m.
In Downstate Medical Center
In Perth Amboy, New Jersey
Not Perth, Australia
Though You Live In Demerara, South America
I-Am Dee Lorde, Obstetrician
Grace O'God, PA, Standing By
Would You Be Alive?!

You're Being Deliberately Ridiculous!

Answer The Question!

... And The Answer Had Better Be "Yes!"

You Know I Can't Answer That!

Why Not?!

Your Mama "Believes" In You!

Why You Doubting Your Momma?!

Well ...
Because She Should Know Better
Than To Trust In The Unknown!
She Doesn't Know Me!
She Should Be Trusting In Her God
The Unfailing
Known Quantity!

Oh, My!
What Did I Just Hear You Say?!

... That She ... I ... Should Be Trusting
The Known Quantity
The Creator
Our Faithful God ...!


Heyyy! Why Are You Crying?!

I've Been Letting Satan
Play Me Like A Penny Whistle!
... So Stupid ...!

Stop That!

You Know Better ... Now
So You Shall Do Better
From Now On!

You Can Take Some Comfort In The Fact That
We All Here Present
Have Personal Proof Of What Faith Can Do
We All Also Have Personal Proof Of
What Doubt Has Done
Has Caused
Still Causes In Our Lives!

Doubting The Word Of God Is Sin
And Sin Is The Transgression Of God's Law ...!

... Hold Up!
Where In The Ten Commandments
Do You See 
"Don't Doubt The Living God?!"

I Would Say
Commandment One
Which Says:

I Am The Lord ...
Thou Shalt Have No Other God But Me!

You Placed Satan
- The Dealer In Doubt -
On The Throne Of The Faithful Holy God!

When You Doubt God
You Trust Satan!

The Living God Doesn't Bre'kup Fractions!
He Wants Your All!

If You Love The Living God ... Walk In The Light!
If You Believe The Eternal God ... Live Right In His Sight!
If You Trust All-Knowing God ... Give Of Yourself With Delight!
If You Will To Honor The Glorious God
Dump Doubt
That Unwholesome Delight Of Satan The Known Blight!

Okay. Okay!
I Feel You!
Now Answer My Question!

Very Well!
Relying On Personal Effort
Will Never Bring A Man
To The Foot Of The Cross!
You Need Jesus Christ
The Agency Of The Holy Spirit
The Protection And Good Influence Of The Holy Angels
A Willing Spirit
Prayer And Working Faith
Love And Trust!

It's A Tall Order ...!

... But A Very Short Step!

Bearing Doubt Before God
Is Offering To Him Cain's Sacrifice
Which Was Replete With The Personal Sin Of Selfishness
And Wilful Disobedience
You Know Where That All Led!

Just Remember This ...

Jesus Christ IS The Answer
All The Heavenly Intelligences
Are Working Together
For Your Soul's Salvation!
You'll Never Make It On Your Own
Get Out Your Prayer-Phone
Call Almighty God!
He's Home
You Are Not Alone!

Dump Deadly Doubt
It Is The Enemy Of Living Faith!

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