
Thursday, March 1, 2018

Race ... Relations!?!?!

Who Can Tell Me
How Many Races There Are?!

Me! Me! Me!

Yes, Big Sam! 

I Can And I Shall Name Them All In One Breath!
Here Goes:
Drag Foot Human Boat Swim Political Horse
Downhill Speed Endurance Walk And Rat ... Race!
12 In All!

There Followed Silence
And Then Everybody Bu'st Out Laughing!
Some Laughed So Hard Until There Were Tears
And Coughing ...
Until Young Feb Said Rather Loudly:

But My Class Teacher Says That

There Are At Least Four Human Races
And Big Sam Only Named One!
He Didn't Answer The Question Correctly!

The Discussion
- From Thence -
A Decidedly Ugly Shade Of Brown 'N Black Dark Memory
Overlaid With White-Right Supremacy
Interspersed With Economic-Envy Green
Sprinkled Liberally With Bleeding-Red Blood
Laid Out On An Ivory-Inlaid Bed Of Yellow Cowardice
Shot Through With Dastardly-Doings Dirty Dirt!

In The Midst Of A Momentary Lull In Conversation
The Voice Of Faith Through Grace
Reason Through Thoughtfully-Considered Mindfulness
- Soft And Gentle And Firm
Not Forced
Not Fractured
Not Overwhelmed With Overwrought Emotionalism -

Brethren Beloved,
We Are Believers In The Lord Jesus Christ
The Creator Of All Things
Seen And Unseen
Known And Unknown
In The Heavens Above
On The Earth Beneath
In The Fountains Of Waters
The Rivers Lakes Oceans And Seas!

This Jesus
The Only Begotten Son Of The Father God
Is The God Of Order!
He Is Neither A Cobbler
A Journeyman
Nor A Fabricator!
He Is Neither Liar Nor Thief!

This Lord Jesus Does Not Inspire Fiction
He Does Not Foment
War And Strife 
Nor Inspire Doubt!

This Same Christ Jesus
Is Not A One-Trick Pony
- Pardon My Expression -
- Lacking Creativity Ingenuity
Originality And Stick-To-Itiveness -
Made A Man
Rendered From That One Man
Several Variations ... On A Theme!

Despite The Rubbish
Being Foisted On Impressionable Minds
The Race$
Big Sam Is Quite Correct
In Calling Out
As In
Jesus Christ Made Adam
Out Of Adam
Jesus Christ Took A Rib
Made Adam A Help-Meet
A Single Female Named Called
Represented Shown To Be Eve
"... The Mother Of ALL Living!"

The Lord Jesus Christ
- Via The Inspired Word -
Did Not Stutter!
Did Not Mumble!
Did Not Utter Alternative Facts!
Did Not Publish Fake News!

There Is One Race ... Human!
No Sects!
No Off-Shoots!
No Second String!
No Off-Scourings!
No To-Be Grafted Race O'Man Lil' Bits Of Branches!

Do You Not Think That
It Is Time To Wake Up
Without A Single Doubt
We Are All One?!

You Could Have Heard A Pin Drop ...

I Am Human!
I Am Made Out Of The Dust Of The Earth!
The Creator God
The Lord Jesus Christ
Into My Progenitors
The Breath Of Life
By Descent
I Am A Living Soul!

I Am Not Color!
I Am Not Economy!
I Am Not Education!
I Am Not Caste!
I Am Not Undiscovered!
I Am Not Big Head!
I Am Not Low Brow!

I Am The Creation Of The Creator-God!
I - By Faith - Am A Child Of The Great King!
I Am A Praying Member Of
The Living God's Family!

Pray Tell,
What, Now, Are You?!

Any Questions?!

There Was Not A Dry Eye In The Audience Room!

Things Did Not Change Overnight
Seeing People
Are Actually Looking At People ... As Flesh And Blood
For. The. Very. First. Time!
It Is Quite Refreshing!

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