
Thursday, June 28, 2018

FAITH AND BELIEF: Operating From A Position Of Power!

Regenerated Christians, That Is
From The Position Of Power
Ought Not To Fear What Man Can Do
Ours Is The God
Who Holds Up The Sky So Blue
We Know Things Don't Make You Rich
False Gods Always Get Their Due!

When You Believe
That The Living God IS Able
When You Know Of A Surety
That Your God
- The Living God -
Is Not 
A Story Book Dude
A Handed-Down Fable
You Walk With Him
Talk With Him
Experience His Blessings
Feel His Guiding Hand
Know His Voice
Honor His Word By Faith And Belief
Trust His Leading
Because He Is Real
You Can Rest In His WillAND
Be At Peace
Illuminated By Perfect Love
What Must Must, Must Must
He Reigns And Rules
In The Unshakeable Kingdom
In Heaven Above!

Them's Just Pretty Words!

They Are Pretty Words AND True!
My God
- The Creator God -
Real And Returning ...!

... Cuuuue Violins!!

Not Today, Friend!
Nor Any Other Day ... Ever Again!
The Heaven's Declare The Glory Of God
This Earth ... With Us On It
Ably Displays Almighty God's Handiwork!

I Know What The Creator God Has Done
Is Doing In My Life!
I Daily See What He Is Doing
- Has Done -
In The Lives Of Others
I Have It On The Record
That Jesus Christ Died For Me
That He Got Up From The Dead
Conquering Sin
Death Hell And The Grave
He Returned To His Father
- My Father -
His God
- My God -
Even In This Very Hour
Is Interceding ... For Me!

And Furthermore ...

And Still On The Record
I Have His Promise
Written In Red ... Blood
That After Much Tribulation
- In Which I Must Possess My Soul
Working Out My Own Soul's Salvation -
That He Is Coming Down Here
For Me!

You Poor Thing!
May I Purchase From You An Unicorn?!
Perhaps I May Sell You The Brooklyn Bridge?!
Or How About You Sell Me Some Angel Wings
Or An Invisibility Cloak?!

Are You Quite Finished?!


You May Scoff!
You May Joke!
You May Cast A Barb Or Two
But I
I Am A Christ Believer ... Now
Even Though I Once Thought Like You!

I've Given Up Walking With The Ungodly!
I Know That Scornful Dog Eats Dirty Pudding!
I Know That Heathens Imagine Vain Things
I Have Enough Sense To Buy Fire Insurance
From The High And Holy God
Against The Just Desserts Of The Clan Of The Fraud!

Did You Get Your Free Teflon Suit?!

Yes, I Did!
I Chose To Believe The Living Word
ANDI Have Faith
I Got Baptised
In The Name Of The Heavenly Father
The Redeeming Son
The Comforting Holy Spirit
I Acquired The Bonus Protection Plan
Providing Body Guards
- Angels Excelling In Strength -
Who Are Concerned With My Salvation
Who Influence Me ... To Do The Thing Good
Walk The Way Right!


Holy Angels Influence Me
To Do What Is Good
To Make Right Decisions
To Stay On The Path To Eternal Life
To Bless Others With Available Truth And Light!

Nobody Don't Bless Me!

After Listening To You
Have You Considered That That's Because
You're Always Cursing Out And Belittling Others?!

Not Really!
I Just Do Me!
I Call A Spade A Spade ...!

... You Could Do With A Hard And Sharp Lesson In Tact!

Tact! Fact!
I'm In!
I'm Out
And That's That!

If God Dealt With Us Like That
This Planet Would Be A Wasteland!

Soon, Brother! Soon!

What Are You Talking About Now?!

The Rejector Of The Eternal God's Mercy
Shall Soon Experience The Jealous God's Wrath!
What He Has Summarily Rejected
- Salvation
Grace Mercy
Love Faith
Hope Help Healing -
- In That Time -
Not Be
In The Lost One's Abiding Place!

What Abiding Place?!

From Judgment 
To Damnation
To Destruction ... In The Lake Of Fire!

You, Being Unholy
Are Cast Into Outer Darkness
Into The Lake Of Fire
And They
- Being Holy -
Are Lost Forever To You!

But, The Lake Of Fire ...!
... That's Just A Metaphor!

If You Say So!

You Go Ahead And Enjoy 
Your Metaphorical Lake Of Fire
While I Enjoy 
My Really Real Heaven!

That's Not Fair!

You Made Your Choice!
I Made Mine For Jesus Christ
With Open Eyes, Hands
Yearning Heart
Listening Ear
Reasoning Tongue
Head Totally In The Game!

I Believe I Hate You!

Sorry To Hear That!

I Need A Do-Over!

Jesus Christ Is Good For That ...!
... And The Unicorn Is Real!

You Know You Lie!

I Kid You Not!
I'll Get My Bible And Show You!

I Have Changed My Mind
And I Have Decided That I Like You!


Let's Talk About The Love Of Our Beloved Jesus!

Put Not Your Trust In Man:
Almighty God Is Your Strong Tower!

Put Your Trust In The Living God:
His Resources Are Infinite! 

Impossible To Man
Totally Possible
With The Living God

Trust In The Lord 

Get Out Of Bed With Satan
The Known Wicked Wily Fraud 
That Raging Roaring Lion
The Wannabe God!

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