
Wednesday, June 27, 2018

LOOK AT JESUS CHRIST: Assaults Of The Serpent!?!

Satan's Pointy Stick!!

The Assaults Of The Serpent
Are Designed
To Intimidate
To Discourage
The Saints!

These Assaults Are Constructed In Such A Manner That
Those In This Vale Of Tears
Cannot Help But In The Very Real Struggle
To Feel Faint
At The Feint
That The Wily Destroyer
With A Very Broad Brush Paints!

The Adversary Is Not Foolish!
He Is Decidedly Wicked To The Core
He Takes Pleasure In Watching
His Weak Prey
Their Daily Prayers ... Ignore
As In Terror
They Cannot
Do Not Close Their Carnal Eyes Against Their Sin
Look Into The Lord Christ's Lovely Eyes
In Whom Is Victory
Over The Sin Encroaching
The Known Sin Within!

Man Needs Rest
The Rest That Comes Of Peace
The Peace That Comes Of
Relief And Release
The Release Of The Burden
Unto Jesus Christ The Lord
Who Left Us His Example Of How
To Break The Back
The Hold
The Cords Of
King Fraud!

King Fraud

A Liar
A Murderer
A Thief
A Deceiver
A Decimator
Of Sinners Bold
The Chief!

The Father Of Lies
He Speaks Of Himself
Thinks Naught Of Taxing
The Mind That Solely Dwells On Self!

He Always Attacks
Hungry Stomach
Excitable Flesh
Seeking Eyes
Feeds Man's Ungodly Fears
On A Steady Diet Of
Inordinate Pleasures
Steadfastly Streaming Lies!

But, God ...

Through Jesus Christ
Made For Man A Way Of Escape!
The Lord Would Not Have Us
In The Battle For Eternal Life
Be Made Bereft Of A Way To Escape
The Willful Sinner's Just And Known Fate!

The Way To Life ... Is Marked Plain!
The Truth ... Is Clear And Plain For All To See!
The Light Of Life ... By Created Hands
Cannot Be Extinguished
It Is Kept By The Son Of God
The Savior Of Man
The King Of Love
The One Almighty!
Do Not Hold This Thought Lightly!

Jesus Saves ... Never Give Up!
Jesus Cares ... To The Throne Of Grace, Look Up!
Jesus Died ... Die To Self, Live For Him!
Jesus Lives ... For You, He's Coming To Earth Again!

Believe On The Lord ... And Be Saved! 

Love The Lord ... And Don't Lean On Self! 
Trust The Lord ... For He Is Our Strength! 
Hope In The Lord ... Because It Is Not In Vain! 

Work For The Lord Of Life ... For Earth's Night Of Death Is Coming!
Help Others Find The Lord ... Because Great Is Your Reward!
Wait On The Lord ... He Is The Omniscient Creator
Stand Up For The Lord
Enduring All Things In Jesus Christ's Faith
Sure And Secure
You. Shall. Go.
To Live With The Lord
At The Time Of The Things-Done-In-The-Flesh
Great Ceremony Of Award!

Know This ...

Self Is An Unrepentant Sinner
Who Thinks
It's A Salvation Winner

A Condemned Sinner
Unrepentant Sinners Can't Be Salvation Winners
Salvation Winners Are Never
Self-Absorbed Sinners!

Deny Self ... And Be Saved!

Brethren, Take Heed ...

The Animal Called Winning Sinner Is A Clown
Who Fails To Realize
He's Caught The Lord's Judgment Frown!
He's Prideful
He's Boastful
He's Arrogant
He's Crude
He, Unrepentant
Is In For
The Judgment Shock
The Awakening Called Rude!

Deny Self ... And Be Saved!

When You Die In Christ
- Even Though You Die -
You Shall Rise Up To Meet Christ
As You Get Up From Your Grave
Do Not Be Prideful
Do Not Covetous Be
Do Not Be Licentious
Nor Grossly Greedy! 

The Savior IS Waiting
To Enter Your Heart
For Him To Enter In
- From The Premises -
Must Depart!

Bid Sin, Self and Satan

From Your Life To Depart 
Invite The Lord Jesus Christ
To Take Up Residence
To Forever Dwell
In Your Heart!

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