
Monday, June 11, 2018

THE LIVING WORD: The Garden Of God

The Word Of God Is A Garden
- The Very Garden Of God -
Wherein Is The Lamp
That Lights The Pilgrim's Way
When He, Willing
To Do What Our Heavenly Father Says!

The Word Is A Lamp
The Word Is A Light
That Gives The Trusting-God Heart
A Way To Walk Right
That Is The Soul's Consuming Delight!

The Garden Of God
IsThe Repository Of Wisdom
- True Wisdom -
For The Willing To Be Wise
Those Children Of The Father
Who Choose Not To Match Wits With Satan
Participate In His Sophistries And Lies!

My Brother! My Sister!
You Who Choose To Walk With God
Let Not The Wisdom Of Man In The World
Cause You To Be Cast Down
Cast Out
With The Gloating Goat
All Those Who Refuse
Of The Living God's Words Of Love
To Take The Positive Note!

Man's Word
Man's Wisdom Is Corrupted!
God's Word
God's Wisdom Is Pure
All Who Choose To Walk Wise
With The Holy God
Will Enjoy Free Access
To Jesus Christ The Lord
The Known And Lone
Get-Rid-Of-Sin Cure!

The Fear Of The Lord Is ... Wisdom!
Departing From Evil Is ... Understanding!
No Matter What The Giants Of
Education, Commerce
Finance, Entertainment
Science And Sport
May Tell You
Worldly Wisdom ... Followed
Will Eventually Kill
Surely Bury You!

Please Do Not Follow Satan
Please Do Not Follow Eve
Please Do Not Follow Adam
Following Eve
Following Satan
The Disobedient
Can Only Eat Of The Forbidden Fruit But Once
Whilst The Fruit Of Obedience
From The Tree Of Life
A Perpetual Feast
To One
To All
Who Will Faithfully Follow
The Lord Jesus Christ!

Faithful Study Of
The Word Of God
Eternal Wisdom
To Lay The Foundation For An Everlasting House
Knowledge To Build Upon The Rock Of
Our Salvation
Understanding To Fill The House
With Every Pleasant And Precious
Promise Of The Eternal God
That Blesses The Faithful Soul
Without Adding Sorrow!

Brethren,Go To The Garden Of God
Even If You Go There Alone!
Be Bold!

Don't Sell Out
Give Away
Throw Away
 Your Own Soul's
Christ-Assured Salvation
Burnable Worldly Treasure
With Christ Jesus
There Is Imperishable Gold
Eternal Life
Life Forever!

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