
Sunday, June 10, 2018

THE PROXY-PARADISE : Followers, Fanatics, Friends Or Family Of Jesus Christ!?!

Following The Lord Christ
Cannot Be An Act Of Fitfulness
An Act Of Caprice!
Following The Lord Christ
The Act Of Faithfulness
Because We Have Seen The Great Light!

Many Men Of Many Minds
Purport To Follow Christ
This Following Is Only Because
In It
There Are Dollar Signs!

Many Followers Of Christ
Follow As Fanatics
Aka Fans
Because It Is The Popular Trend
They Only Know What He Is Supposed To Do
In A Future Time
And Not What He Can Truly Do In Their Lives ... Now
In This The Testing Time!

Many Following-Fans Of Christ
Consider Him A Magician!
Many Others Think He Is A Grandly Personal Piggy Bank
Many Others Believe That He Is Their Personal Sharp Sword
To Sever The Obey-The-Law Cord!

Many Others In Grand Confidence
Believe That They Are Appointed
The By-Proxy-Christ
Gives Them The Authority
To Create For Others On Earth
The Proxy-Paradise!

Yada! Yada!
All Well And Good!
Enough With The Preamble!
What Are You?!
Friend Follower Fan?!

Glad You Asked!
I Am A Faithful Follower Of Christ Jesus!
He Is My Savior!
He Is My Forever Friend!
He Is The Lover Of My Soul
On His Strong Arm
I Totally Totally Completely Truly Depend!

I Am His Blessed Child!
I Am His Faithful Servant!
He Drew
- He Draws Me  -
To His Side
He Did Not Need A Warrant!

I Choose To Daily Walk With Jesus!
He Is My Lord
He Is My Only God!
He, It Is, Who Paid My Bride-Price
Made The Way For Me
To Get Out Of The Unholy Clutches Of
The Damned And Wily Satan
The Known And Murderous God-Fraud!

I Am No Fan Of Jesus
Like Any True Fanatic Would Know
Allegiance Turns Every Which Way
I Refuse To Live My Life With That Playing Card!

I Follow Where Jesus Christ Leads
I Will Not Have It To Be
Any Other Way
Given The Time Of This Dying World's Day!

I Am The Committed Friend Of Jesus!
We Walk Together
He Loves Me
I Love Him
With Him
I, Believing

We Reason Together
By The Leading Of The Holy Spirit
My Heart's Personal Desire
He IS My Shepherd
He Leads Me
I Follow Him ... Willingly
On The Safe Straight And Narrow Way
Every Single Solitary Day!

I Lean Upon His Goodness!
I Fall Upon His Grace!
I Stand Upon His Promises
I Have No Desire
To Make Shipwreck Of His Faith!

Wow, Wee!!
All I Asked Was Who And What Are You!

Yes! YOU Asked!

Indeed, And YOU Answered!

Sooo ...

Now That We Have Established Who I Am
Would YOU Please Be So Kind
As To Tell ME Who YOU Are?!

Oh, It's No Secret!
I'm Just Like You!
A Run Of The Mill
Thankful For Grace
Grateful For Mercy
Blessed With Faith
Basking In Free Salvation
Looking Forward To Seeing Jesus Christ
Face To Face
And Going To Glory!
He's Preparing For Me A Place!

If You Are Speaking Truth
That Means That You're My Family!
Are You Really My Family!?!

Family, Indeed!

Thank God For Grace
And Bless My Heart And My Eye-Sight!
Hugs And Smooches And All That Good Stuff!

Pleased To Make Your Acquaintance!

Care To Take A Walk With Me?!

Sure Do!

I Believe That That Means That We Agree!

Indeed It Does, Family!
Indeed It Does!

So, Tell Me How Is Your Walk With The Lord Progressing!

Do You Want The Short Version Or ...!

... Whatever You Feel Impressed To Share, Brother!

Wellll, It All Started When I Saw The Lord ...!

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