
Monday, July 9, 2018

Attitude And Actions!

Our Father Is In Heaven!
Homes Are In His House For Me And For You!

The Lord Is My Shepherd!
I Shall Not Know Want
And That Is The Plain Truth!

The Holy Spirit Is My Comforter!
My Teacher!
My Guide!
And He's There When I Just Can't ...!
For Wrong-Doing, He Does My Spirit Chide!


The Holy Angels Are My Protectors
And My Good Influencers, Too!


None Of It Is Any Good
Any Benefit
Any Blessing
I Have A Bad Attitude
Choose To Walk Contrary
To The Heavenly Will
Indulge In Actions
That Do Not Cause My Cup Of Blessing
To Overflow
My Cup Of Iniquity
To Fill!

What's The Big Deal?!
A Cup Is A Cup Is A Cup!

Somehow, Brother
I Fear That You Did Not Get The Bulletin!

What Bulletin Is That?!

The Bulletin In Your Bible
You Know ... The Living Word Of The Almighty God
That Plainly Says:

Thou Preparest A Table Before Me
In The Presence Of My Enemies
Thou Anointest My Head With Oil
My Cup Runneth Over!

THAT, My Friend
Is The Cup Of Blessing!
There Is Abundance And More!

Yes, Yes, Yes!
But What About This Cup Of Iniquity
That You Don't Want Filled Up!
Get To The Point!

Hold Your Horses!
I'm Getting To It!

Wilfully Doing Wrong 
Tells The World
The Holy God 
That You And Jesus Christ Are At A Bearance
That You And THE Commandments Of God 
Do Not At The Present Time
Quite Get Along!


Aren't You Afraid Of God's Anger
At Your Wrongdoing?!

Why Should I Be?!
He Has His Laws
I Have My Life! 
I Don't Bother Him
So Why Should He Bother Me?!

Lord, Help Us!
You Can't Be Serious!

He Probably Made Himself!
Satan Real Busy!

Brother Man!
Lemme Holler Atcha!

I'm Listening But Make It Snappy!
I've Got Places To Go
And For-Real People To Meet!

I'll Be Blunt, Short, And Nicely Sweet!
You're A Fool ... Per The Biblical Definition
You Have As Much Said That 
There Is No God
You Behave As Though You Are God
Your Own Sustainer Maintainer
Giving Yourself Breath!

Surprise For You, Though
The Eternal God You Are Slighting Today
Will Be Your Judge Tomorrow
Everything That You Just Willingly
Put Into Your Own Cup 
Going To Testify Before Almighty God
- Truthfully -
Against You!

The God Of Heaven
- Your Creator -
The God Who Gives You Breath
Keeps Very Good Records!
In The Judgment ...! 

... What Judgment?! 

... Your Only Plea Will Be
No Contest! 

I Asked You A Question!
What Judgment?! 

Did No One Tell You
That Jesus Christ
The Judge Of All Flesh?!

Why Would They
When Everybody Knows That He Is Just A Folk Hero!
A Lovely Myth!
A Great Legend!
A Good Man!
A Poor Man's Panacea!
An Imaginary Friend For Gullible Adults!

Percy, This Is Worst Than We Could Have Imagined!

You Telling Me!

Luke 6:45?!


What's Luke 6:45?!

We've Got Our Work Cut Out For Us!

Indeed! Another Brand To Pluck Out Of The Fire!

Another Soul To Save By Installing The Fear Of God
- Godly Fear, That Is - 
In His Heart!

You Up For This?!

In Jesus' Name!

You Two Moojins Do Know That 
I'm Standing Right Here, Don't You?!

Oh, Yes!
And We Know - Now - That You Are Really Listening!  

Yes, Yes, Yes! I'm Listening
So Cut Out The Crappy Routine
And Tell Me What I Need To Hear
About This Judgment Thing!
Blow My Mind ... If You Can! 

The Cups!
There's The Cup Of Blessing
Cup Of Consolation
Cup Of Salvation 
Cup Of God's Fury
Cup Of The Lord (Lord's Supper) 
Cup Of Devils
Cup Of Astonishment And Desolation
Cup Of Trembling
Cup Of God's Indignation ...

... Don't Forget To Hit 'e Wid Psalm 11:6!

Oh, Yes!
I Almost Forgot That One!

Lord, Help Me!

He Will, Brother!
He Will!

Bro. Harmon, Do You See Anything In These Various Cups
That You Would Seriously Want To Avoid?!

Personally, Bro. Dockey
If I Were In Master Persevis' Shoes
I Would Seek Fervently To Avoid
The Cups Called Astonishment And Desolation
Fury Indignation
Their Ain't Nothing In Them That's  Desirable
From The Perspective Of A Child Of God ...!

... He Ain't A Child Of God!
He Does Not Believe The Living Word! 
He Considers God A Fable!
He Runs Fast And Loose
With The Wild Goat Herd!

I Don't Run With Any Wild Goat Herd! 
I Don't Even Like Goats Wild Or Otherwise!

That Is Euphemism For Running With Satan And His Demons
And Wilfully Sinful Men
Who Deny God  ... As You Do!


You Know, Dockey
If I Were In His Shoes
Facing Pure Hell And Sure Damnation
By His Own Hand ...!

... What Hand?!
I Didn't Write Anything!

Oh, Dear, Percival!
He Doesn't Know About The Recording Angel!

His Spiritual Education Has Gaping Holes!

That Is Sad!
Truly, Truly, Sad!

'Tis True
But He Is Still Here
There Is Still Hope For Him
So Let's Not Dwell On Yesterday! 
Let's Look At His Future
When He Changes His Ways!

I Agree!
When He Changes His Way
And Jesus Christ Is His Lord
He Will Have The Cup Of Blessing
Because He Is The Obedient Child Of The Living God! 

The Cup Of Salvation Is Then His
For He Walks Holy With The Holy God
The Cup Of Consolation Is His
Heavenly Comfort Comes To Him
As The Perk Of
The Personal Relationship
He Has With His Savior Lord And God
By His Newfound Faith
In The Eternal
He Will Partake The Lord's Cup
And Not Unworthily
For He Will Have Washed His Clothing
In The Blood Of The Lamb
And Is Living The Life Called Godly!

We Should Tell Him About The Cup Of Devils
- The Opposite Of The Lord's Cup -
Which Seeks To Feed Men On Sin And Error
And To Lead Them Astray!

Let's Leave THAT Can Of P"s For Another Day
For When He Knows The True God
The Living God's Truth
The Holy God's Ways So Well
That Recognizing That Counterfeit
Will Have Him Saying With Alacrity:

Satan Sin And Unrepentant Sinners
Are Assuredly Bound For Hell!

That Will Be Swell!
Let Us On The Righteous Judge
The King Of Love
The God Of Creation 
Fixedly Dwell!

It's Time In This Dear Man's Life
To Give To Satan
The Death Knell!  

Dear Lord,
Guide Us Into Your Truth
Bless This Seeking Soul
With All Understanding
According To Your Will
In Jesus' Name!

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