
Tuesday, July 10, 2018

OMNISCIENCE: Watching ... Seeing ... Hearing ... Recording!?!

Here's A Simple Little Bitty Question For Us:

If You Knew That Someone Is Always Watching You
Sees Every Single Thing That You Do
Hears Everything That You Say
Knows Everything That You Think
Knows Every Motive Behind Every Thought
Every Action That You Do
Or Contemplate Doing
How Would You Live!?

Would You Sin?!
Would You Think Of Sin?!
Would You Want To Sin?!
Would You Be Afraid To Sin?!

Would You Ignore The InformationAND
Do Your Do
Be Like A Tick Mosquito Fly
Live As You Like
Being All Over The Place
Consequences Be Damned?!

Brother D?!
Yes, Graveney?!

You Said One Question
But I Count Six!?

Sure You Do!
I Was Being Kind
Giving Us Food For Thought
Since You Query The Sum
Some Of Us Live LargeAND
Desire To Be In Charge
(No Disrespect, Gotta Keep My Rhyme) I'll Make The Question Real Sweet And Simple:

When Are We Going To Start Believing
That The Living God Eternal
Sees, Hears, Knows And Records
Our Thoughts, Words And Actions
Will Judge Us
Either For Commendation And Heavenly Promotion
ORFor Condemnation And Hell's Destruction
Start Living Like The Upwardly-Mobile Believer
Aka The Saint Rooted And Grounded
In Jesus Christ The Righteous
Heading Toward Eternal Life!?!

Wow! Another No Dinner Tonight Night!

You Telling Me!

Brother "D"?!

Yes, Stacy?!

I Don't Mean To Be Rude
But Where Is The Little Bitty
Sweet And Simple Question ... ?!

... How Is One Supposed To Answer A Question Like That?!

Can Anyone Even Answer That Question?!

Brethren, We Can And We Must
Answer This Question
If We Are To Live Forever!

Here's A Little Mention For You:

Live According To Your Confidence
- Your Expectation -
Which Has Great Recompense Of Reward!

Would You Please Say That In Plain English?!

Live According To The Paycheck
You Most Desire To Receive!
Your Master
IsYour Paymaster!
Your Works Are By Him Conceived!

When You Please God!
You Bless Yourself!
When You Please Yourself!
You Bless Satan!

Can You Break That Down Just A Little Bit Smaller?!

Very Well!
The Bottom Line Is:

Live For Jesus!
Live In Heavenly Bliss With Jesus!

Live For Satan!
Die In Unquenchable Fire Like Satan!

Oh, Man!

Did You Really Have To Go There?!

Yes! Yes! Yes!
Did You Come Here
To Be Taught
To Be Tickled?!

You Know That I Sincerely Came To Be Taught
But This Meat Of The Word Edition
That You Are Running
Is Near To Choking Me!

Let Us Never Forget
That Babies And Baby Christians
Drink Milk 
Mature Christians Must Be Able To
Take Part In ...!

... The Meat Of The Word ...!

... If We Are To Continue To Grow In Grace!

We Know!


Heavenly Father,
We Come As Students
To The School Of Jesus Christ
Ask That That Great School Master
The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Lead Us Into All Truth!
Help Us To Pay Attention
Study Diligently
To Show Ourselves Approved
Not Ashamed In The Great Day!

Please Bless Us, Lord
With Hearing Ears
Willing Hearts
So That We Will Not Just Be
Hearers Of The Word
Doers Of The Word
So That We Will Grow Up 
As Cattle Of The Stall
Sheltered And Protected
In The Safe Fold Of The Glorious Lord!

Grant Us Your Grace!
Bless Us With Your Favor
Guide Us Along The Pathway
To The Living Kingdom
Is Our Hearts' Plea
In Jesus Christ Holy Name
We Will To See Him In Peace!

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