
Monday, July 23, 2018

Nothing Between ...!?! + PRAYER: Lord, Please Help Me To Spurn The Devil ...!

There Is Nothing Between 
My Soul And My Savior!

How Special!

You'd Better Believe It!
All Joking Aside
Have You Really Considered

- I Mean All Of Us -
What Will Happen When Jesus Christ
Finally Steps Away From Being Between Us
And Our Father God!?!

Oh, I Can Answer That One:
All Hell Breaks Loose
There Will No Restraining Force
To Stay Satan's Vile Hand
And Every Evil
Will Be Unleashed Upon Unsuspecting Man!

Fred, If I Were You
I'd Go Real Easy-Like
On The "Unsuspecting-Man"Thing!

I Agree!
Not To Be Harsh, Unfeeling And Unkind
But You Get What You Pay For!

Preach, Brother!

You Can't Call The Savior Of Mankind
The Lord Of Life
The Creator Of The Universe
A Good Man
A Fable
A Bedtime Story
An Irrelevancy
And Believe That When The Chips Are All Down
- Even Cast Aside -
And You're Totally Exposed 
To The Commodity Called Damnation
That You Boldly Purchased
That Mercy
- Honorably, Permanently, Retired
From Calling Men To Salvation
And Having Given Way To Justice -
Is Going To Saddle Up Again!

Ain't Gonna Happen!
It's Harvest Time! 

You Reap What You Sow!
You Gotta Eat What You Grow!

My Grannie Always Talked About
Walking Back Over Bridges You Burnt!

Mad Man, How Can You Walk Over A Burnt Bridge!?!

Very Easily ... In Your Mind
It Ain't Goin' Happen In Reality!

The Realm Of Regret
What If
Woulda Shoulda Coulda
Did Not!

Sounds About Right!

The Saints Of God Will Have Be Sealed!
The Minions Of Satan Will Have Be Marked!
The Saints Of God Will Have Jesus' Peace
AndThe Minions Of Satan
Will Have
The Seven Last Plagues
Upon Which To Feast!

The Mere Thought Of That
Is Mind-Bogglingly
Stomach-Churningly Awful To Contemplate! 

If That Is The Case
Then You Need To Remember 
Who Paid The Price Of Your Salvation
Who Daily Keeps You Alive
Who Constantly Blesses You Immeasurably
Who Will Raise You Up
To Eternal Life!

Indeed, My Brother!

Think On This ...

Lip Service To Almighty God
Disservice To Needy Self
It Is Time, Brethren
That We Get Shuck Of Satan's Ways
And Get His Hell-Bound Crew Off
Our Complacency Shelf!

You Mean It Is Time To Bury Our Complacency!

Hear! Hear!

It Is Time To Destroy All That Is Useless!
It Is Time For Us To Stop Playing The Game Clueless!
It Is Time For Us To Give Up Acting Foolish
It Is Time For Us To Really Let The Lord Jesus Christ
Truly, Truly, Reign Over And Rule Us!



Lead Me
Not Tomorrow
But Today
In All Ways!

Bless Me, I Beseech You
To Walk On The Straight
Narrow Way!
Guide Me And Direct Me
Protect Me And Correct
So That In The Great Day
Soon A-dawning
I Shall Have Nothing To Regret!

Help Me To Be Ever Bold
Where The Words Of Truth And Life
Are Concerned
Help Me Always, Dear Father
The Devil's Entreaties
To Confidently Spurn!

May The Holy Spirit Indwell
The Holy Angels Influence
Even As They Surround
Bless Me, Lord, Please Bless Me
To Arrive Safely At Home
Walk Forever On Holy Ground!
In Jesus Christ's Name
I Humbly Pray And Plead!

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