
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Living In Sin: It's An Illusion ...!

When You Pick Up A Weapon
It Is Never By Mistake!
When You Boldly Walk The Path Of Sin
You Have
- By Choice -
Determined Your Own Fate!
You've Unlocked Damnation's Gate!

Sin ... Is A Weapon
By The Wily Foe!
Sin Is A Weapon
That Says You Know
What - Unrestrained - In Life You Want To Do

Where, After Death, You Want To Go!

There Is No Mistake
When We "Fall" Into Sin
Because We
By Taking Thought
Have Marked A "Payth"
For Our Own Feet ... Fettered
To Merrily Go A-walking ... Wild!

What's A "Payth"!?

Do You Like My Word?!

Can't Say As Yet!
What Does It Mean?!

A "Payth" Is A Road
That A Sinner Constructs!
The Foundation Is Dug When
Of Sin
By Thought
You Take A Touch!

It Is Followed By Words For Filler
AndDeed Is The Tarmac
When, You, Knowing More Than Your Maker
Walk Thereon With Speed
That At The Toll-Bridge Of Life
Will Pay Your Own Fees!

Maaan, There's Always A Toll-Bridge
Even If You Ignore The Charge!

There Is Always A Watcher

Man Is Never Permitted
To Be A Permanent Scofflaw:

You May Escape Payment ... Today!
You May Escape Payment ... Tomorrow!
You May Have Even Gotten Away ... Yesterday ...!

... I Hear A But!

Indeed You Did
So Just  Remember That
Jesus Christ The Sinless One
Arose On The Third Day Avoiding Corruption
But, You

Base Bold Sinner
Borrowing Dinner
From Beelzebub The Brazen
Are Going To End Up In A World Of Sorrow

Abject Horror!

What Do You Mean By That?!

I Am Saying Plainly That
Sin Is A Cage
The Sinner Is In A Grudge Match
Salvation Is A Rugged Path
- Against A Stunning Vista -
With Pure Water To Sustain Life
A Shepherd Director Healer Sealer Savior
Making The Way
Marking The Path
Leading Souls Safely
Feeding The Souls Fit Food
As They Willingly Walk
Ever Climbing To Eternal Life!

How Can Sin Be A Cage
When I See Bold And Aggressive Sinners 
Living Large With Gay Abandon
And In Visible And Outlandish Prosperity!?!

What, May I Ask, Do You Call Prosperity?!

Money, More Money And More Money
To Do What You Want
When You Want
With Whomever You Want
Wherever You Want
Just Because You Want
To Make Yourself Happy!

You Poor Thing!
You're Still Young! 

You'll Soon Learn!

All That Money Does
Is Make One Financially Secure!
It Is Jesus Christ Who Makes You Spiritually Rich
Eternally Prosperous!

I Never Heard That Before!

I'm Curious!
Can You Back Up A Bit And
Expand On How Sin Is A Cage!

When You Watch The World
You Hear ...

S alvation
I sn't A
N ecessity!

And You Are Encouraged
To Always Think Of ...

S elf
I n
N eed!

But ...

S elf Is A Sinner
I gnoring The Pleading Of Our Savior God Whilst
N eeding To Be In Control As It
N udges Away Restraint And
E dges Out Truth And
R ushes Toward Damnation!

Whoa, Momma!!

And, Then
There Is The Gilded ... Cage ...

  • Do What You Want
  • Take What You Desire
  • Set Aside Restraint
  • Believe That Feeling Is Appealing
And Fool Yourself That
  • Death Is All That Is At The Great Journey's End!

Looks Are Deceiving, Friend!

The Truth ...

Take What You Want

Pay ... At The End Of The Path
For It!

I Get It!
Pay ... Path ... Payth!

Every Path ... Has A Payment!
Each Man ... 
Has A Choice:

Live A Life Of Restrain In Christ Jesus

A Life Of License With King Lost!

I Like It! I Like It!

Neither Path Is As It Appears!
One Must Follow The Leader!
Problem Is
Only One Leader Cares!
The Other Is A Bottom Feeder!

Jesus Cares!
Satan Dares!
Dare To Care About Jesus!
Dare To Send Satan Far Away!
He's At The End Of His Day!
Do Not Fear!

Living In Sin Is An Illusion! 

Salvation Is Not A Lie

Trust The Lord Of Life
The King Of Creation
For Love Of You
On Calvary 
Suffered Bled And Died!

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